Good speakers for my HT room? [pics]



Junior Audioholic
k, I'm currently completing all the final peices to my HT, and now i'm on the Audio, This room which my HT is going in is 20 X 26 feet, i'm currently looking into a couple different receivers/speakers, but i'd like recomendations on a set of speakers to purchase

i've been looking at SVS's 5 peice "5.0 Channel set" here:

the 5 peice set comes with two SBS-01 pairs and one SCS-01 Center Channel speaker for 599$

is this any good? my room is quite large, like i said 20X26 and i'm scared somthing i may be will not be loud enough

room pics:



Seriously, I have no life.
k, I'm currently completing all the final peices to my HT, and now i'm on the Audio, This room which my HT is going in is 20 X 26 feet, i'm currently looking into a couple different receivers/speakers, but i'd like recomendations on a set of speakers to purchase
i've been looking at SVS's 5 peice "5.0 Channel set" here:
That is a good size room alright:D

What do you have planned for it? Front projection plus a TV for casual viewing?;)

How far do you plan on sitting from the TV/pj. front speakers?

This room would support a 7.2 setup nicely. :D

What kind of budget? I think those speakers are not really for that room.


Junior Audioholic
yep, projector setup right at the front of the room there, most likely 100"+

our budget is somewhat varried, it's pretty much under 650$ for a receiver

under 700$ for speakers

and under 500$ for the sub

i'm gonna guess we'll be sitting about 12-15 feet back from the screen, in the oposite side of the screen there will be a bar in the left corner, so the rear speakers will have to remain on the sides of the room

i'm asuming those speakers are not large/powerfull enough for the room??

what should i be looking for?


Audioholic Jedi
I recommend.......Well, you know what I recommend:D

But I like the idea of having center speakers for all the channels too.
For movies, we all know how important the center speaker is. So why not have the same speakers for all channels?
If his budget is $700, then yeah, this looks great.

I originally thought of getting 5 identical DefTech CLR center speakers and just use the 5 internal 150-watts subwoofers and call it my 5.5 HT:D
I thought it would be cool to have a subwoofer for every single channel.

So if he gets 5 center speakers, how should the center piece (center channel) be positioned, horizontally or vertically?

I would place all five identical speakers vertically because I think it would be best for seamless imaging, right?


Audioholic Jedi
somthing like this seems doable...

BUT...can u mount a middle speaker like this upright?
Yeah, I think the upright (vertical) position for all five speakers is the best. Soundstage and imaging will be perfectly matched.


Junior Audioholic
Will having 5 of the centers sound weird though?

arent speakers designed to hit different levels all around to achieve the best sound quality? is this a common practice to run centers all around??

for the price range, and for what those speakers seem to be, this seems like an ideal setup for me, especially if they will suit my room well

but like i said, i'm concerned about using 5 centers..anyone have any reading i could look up on this subject?


Audioholic Warlord
Will having 5 of the centers sound weird though?
I posted that they are not just a center speaker. They are used for Center/Main/Surround speakers.

The x-cs center speaker...the first dual woofer speaker in the x-series by AV123, was designed from the ground up by Mark Schifter and Danny Richie, to seamlessly compliment the other speakers in the x-series line; to serve as a center speaker as well as mains and surrounds for any type of configuration

They will sound awesome.


Audioholic Overlord
It will be a perfectly matched and awesome set-up.


Junior Audioholic
awsome! shortly after posting i read through the decription and figured they were somthing more than just a center

I'm definatly leaning towards that option with perhaps this sub:



Audioholic Overlord
It would be nice to see someone actually make a choice and go buy something instead of research it to death. Be that man!


Seriously, I have no life.
yep, projector setup right at the front of the room there, most likely 100"+
our budget is somewhat varried, it's pretty much under 650$ for a receiver
under 700$ for speakers
and under 500$ for the sub
i'm gonna guess we'll be sitting about 12-15 feet back from the screen, in the oposite side of the screen there will be a bar in the left corner, so the rear speakers will have to remain on the sides of the room
i'm asuming those speakers are not large/powerfull enough for the room??
what should i be looking for?

What is on the back wall that prevents you from placing one or two speakers back there for a nice 7.1 setup?
Is that 14ft mark where the projector is going? Component and HDMI cable with power there? 1080p projector?
Fixed screen?


Junior Audioholic
What is on the back wall that prevents you from placing one or two speakers back there for a nice 7.1 setup?
Is that 14ft mark where the projector is going? Component and HDMI cable with power there? 1080p projector?
Fixed screen?
There is a bar in the rear left corner which will obstruct a wall so a speaker will have to be off to the side

as of now, a 7.1 setup is too expensive, but the receiver and speakers i'm getting will easilly be adjustable to 7.1 when I can afford it

the 14ft mark is about where the projector will go, it's going to have power there, but the HDMI cable is going to have to be run up the wall from the receiver to the projector [kinda ghetto i know, but we didnt origionally plan to go with a projector]

and yes, it will be a fixed screen painted within a wood frame, and the projector we ended up going with was the Optoma HD70, so 720p res


Junior Audioholic
k boyyysss...time to verify my speaker choice

here's my new amp ordered it yesterday:

Yamaha V661's the 900$ question..

for 846$ i can order 5 x-cs Center/Main/Surround Loudspeaker :

for my 5.1 setup, good? bad?

refering back to the first page with pictures of the room, will the receiver + speakers be enough for this room? [possibly expanding to 7.1 in the future]
at the 7 channel 630W (90W X 7)

As I said in the origional post, i want it LOUD and quality, so for the money, a good choice?


Audioholic Overlord
Your major obstacle is budget vs. size of room. For the amount of money you want to spend; it is a good choice but a 600 buck sub will not cut it in that room. I would prefer to see towers in a room that size but bookshelves will work with the proper sub.


Audioholic Ninja
Based on your budget, it is a good start. It's funny because Greg is also running little bookshelfs w/ similar receiver in a larger space albeit with a very nice sub. Yanking your chain, Greg.:p

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