I looked at both 720p and 1080p plasma vs LCD at CC where I bought my Sammy. You can't tell enough of a difference to justify the price difference yet IMO. Other factors come into play, like black level, and color, where at least to me, the plasma sets still win. 720p works for me because I watch from a distance of 12 ft or more from my set. You could save that extra money and put it towards some other upgrade. In a year things are going to change even more (you can bet on that). The colors on the Sammy plasma I have and the PQ are simply stunning to me (I jumped from a 32" analog CRT to a 50" HD plasma set). Unless you are going to be rather close to the set, you aren't going to reap the benefit of having 1080p. Also, don't forget that the "cheaper" sets don't necessarily offer the best customer support. Don't get too caught up in having 1080p.