RBH Sound TK-5CT Floorstanding Speaker Review



I bought these based on this review. They sound amazing. I think I need more power to push them, but they still sound damn good!
Chris, just out of curiosity, what are you using to drive these, and what makes you feel like they need more?



Chris, glad you like them. For the money, I've never heard better. It's gonna be a long time (and a few raises) before you think about upgrading.
Hi Tom,
I was wondering if you're familiar enough with Paradigm Studio 100's (let's say v.2 or v.3) to hazard a comparison with these RBH's. I know the 100's are twice the price, but it still falls within that <$2k price point and I didn't know how specific you were being when you said "For the money."

I'm asking because I am interested in upgrading my system to full range floor standers, but have found that:
1) the nearest RBH dealer to me is 3 hours away,
2) he doesn't carry the 5CTs in his showroom anyway, and
3) I don't have a truck to go get them even if he did (although he did offer to have them shipped directly to me from RBH at what seemed like a very reasonable cost).

Paradigm, on the other hand, I have local dealer access to and am quite familiar with after using their speakers for about 15 years.

Is this an apples and oranges comparison? If so, what part of the comparison is unfair? I enjoyed your review and appreciate your candor, so I'm looking forward to your comments. Even if you are clearly a fanboy. ;)

Tom Andry

Tom Andry

Speaker of the House
I was wondering if you're familiar enough with Paradigm Studio 100's (let's say v.2 or v.3) to hazard a comparison with these RBH's. I know the 100's are twice the price, but it still falls within that <$2k price point and I didn't know how specific you were being when you said "For the money."
Not at all. Never had the chance to hear them in my room. I try not to do comparisons with my memories from convention displays and such. I've heard a lot of budget towers (Axioms, AV123s, Polks, etc.) but the RBH's are much better.

3) I don't have a truck to go get them even if he did (although he did offer to have them shipped directly to me from RBH at what seemed like a very reasonable cost).
Unless they changed the packaging significantly, you won't need a truck. I could probably get them in the back of my Civic if I really tried.

Is this an apples and oranges comparison? If so, what part of the comparison is unfair? I enjoyed your review and appreciate your candor, so I'm looking forward to your comments. Even if you are clearly a fanboy. ;)
I'd say it was a apples to oranges comparison. When I'm reviewing a set of speakers, I'll consider comparing them to speakers within 20% of the cost. I'd expect (at this price point) a considerable increase in quality with a doubling of the price. Anything less would be a "win" for the RBH's. When we were doing the bookshelf speaker shootout (expect to see that published very soon) the difference between the $400 and $800 speakers was significant. So much so that it really made you realize how ridiculous some of these "Sounds as good as speakers 5x's the price" statements are. As you go up in price, the differences become less significant in my experience but down at this "budget" level, a few hundred dollars equates to a significantly fewer number of design compromises.


Tom, thanks. Your comments are much appreciated, even if they do make my decision more difficult. :D



Audioholic Ninja
When will the audio manufacturers get over their fear of the internet and give up this crazy "dealer only" nonsense. This sounds like an interesting product line but I'm not going to drive 200 miles round trip to buy it. I did buy my TV in a store but it was only a 50 mile round trip. Apparently they are only interested in dealing with people that live in major metro areas.


Audioholic Slumlord
When will the audio manufacturers get over their fear of the internet and give up this crazy "dealer only" nonsense. This sounds like an interesting product line but I'm not going to drive 200 miles round trip to buy it. I did buy my TV in a store but it was only a 50 mile round trip. Apparently they are only interested in dealing with people that live in major metro areas.
Wow, driving 50 miles to get TV... I admire your dedication and patience sir.
I have to drive 30miles to closest RBH dealer ( I live in metro area) and I find it uncomfortable :) And even them Don't have TC speakers on display - owner tells me people buy them blind. Hail the power of audioholics! lol


Audioholic Overlord
I have a technics sa-ax7. I love the reciever but I want to step up.
A new receiver is needed. Class H are more efficient than Class B or Class A/B, which could indicate they don't handle lower impedances well, and top that off with the efficiency rating.....;).


Audioholic Field Marshall
While I didnt pick up on you specifically saying it in the review, Are they in your opinion better than your Axiom M60's? Inquiring minds want to know :cool:


A new receiver is needed. Class H are more efficient than Class B or Class A/B, which could indicate they don't handle lower impedances well, and top that off with the efficiency rating.....;).
I plan on getting the new prioneer vsx 94 when it comes out.


When will the audio manufacturers get over their fear of the internet and give up this crazy "dealer only" nonsense. This sounds like an interesting product line but I'm not going to drive 200 miles round trip to buy it. I did buy my TV in a store but it was only a 50 mile round trip. Apparently they are only interested in dealing with people that live in major metro areas.
I didnt drive anywhere to get mine. I located the closest dealer and they brought them to me.


Audioholic General
Yeah, I read that review and thought what a great way to start my setup with towers that could function as great 2-channel or 2.1 for music then add center and surrounds for theatre. The dealer only thing kinda irks me. I hope they won't pull a Martin Logan and start blackmailing Internet customers.

Great review, BTW!


A full range tower face off would be awesome ! :cool:
Oh yeah. I would love to see full range towers going head to head !!
I would think at least 8-10 different manufacturers would be about right.
800-1500 pair price range. AND for laughs, throw in a pair of SDAT's or
DOGG DIGITAL speakers. :D


Audioholic Field Marshall
In financial reach of most consumers, just not within reach.
i was thinking that too, but ironically I found a dealer about 45 minutes away. hmmm worth checking into. I was getting ready to go for the M60's, but may reconsider. :confused:


If you had $1400 to spend on a pair of speakers...

but down at this "budget" level, a few hundred dollars equates to a significantly fewer number of design compromises.[/QUOTE]

Hi Tom,
Great review and follow-up. I own a pair of AR9's (the Hi-Res model) and am looking to upgrade. I have a Marantz 9600 AV receiver I bought refurbished and shortly after getting this and playing a few CD's, I found myself searching the internet for a replacement tweeter for one of the AR9's I fried - not an easy task but I found one.

Anyway been thinking about the new B&W 683's, Axiom 80's v2 and now RBH's though they probably do not fit in that class.

If you had a budget of $1400 to spend on a new pair of floor standing speakers what would you buy? or would you bother (not sure how much improvement I'll get)

I use my system for both music and home theater so will need to buy a center and surrounds which will bring the total price to around $2200 I'd guess.


Current System:
Marantz AV9600
Mains: Acoustic Research AR9's
Surrounds: AR17's
Center: AR4C
Subwoofer: Klipsch RW10


Audioholic Intern
if you do a head to head of other towers...

If you are going to do a comparison of towers, it would not be complete without looking at Definitive Technology speakers. Their entry level tower BP7006TL at $699 MSRP would be in the same class as these. I own the older 2006TL's and for the price I can't imagine a better speaker for home theater application. The built in side firing subs are outstanding and reach even lower than these. I would be interested in seeing how they stack up to towers out there, but I'd bet they would be near the top.



Yeah I've read alot of good things about Definitive but I can't get around how ugly they are.

Yes I agree nothing audiophile about that but they are ugly. Also the material on the outside stretches and bundles up.

Aesthetics are important for the Wife factor and for me - but sound is of course the most important.

I've found a dealer so will audition the RBH's - and maybe some Polk Lis15's since Polk was my first real speaker I still have a soft spot for them. The next is Paradigm, Studio series, might have to bump my budget a few dollars.


hey Stuby nice to see someone else with ar where did you find the tweeter?
i dont think you will find to many speakers that will sound better then your ar under 1400
why not go with a higher end tweeter from partsexpress that what i was thinking with my ar3s thats one of the things i didint like about the ars the bright highs maybe a nice soft dome would tame them down
and maybe try a power amp the ars love lots of good clean power
i have a qsc ma1500a running mine

if not want to sell them???
ir f i where you i would spend my cash on some nice soft domes and a power amp but that just me:D


Kickn - you nailed it - are teh RBH's going to sound better and once you listen to a speaker for a long time it's hard to make the transition to a new sound. I replaced my Polk Monitor 10B's with the AR9's and thought I would miss the polk's. They sound so muddies now in comparison.

Funny what you said about the tweeters on the Ar9 cause I think the exact opposite. THere seems to be a bit too much mid-range and I know when I listened to the Lsi15's they sounded so much brighter and clear.

The Marantz sr9600 is a $4000 receiver and has individual toroidal power sources for each of the channels (liek I really know eht the hell that means except it's way more expensive and supposed to be cleaner).

But your idea is worth noting since I have been reading how separatees appear to have made a come back.

and Radarray - no offense meant just my taste and I would seriously considered them otherwise.


I recently took advantage of the "secret" upgrade from EMP EP30T's to RBH TK5's at the Audioholics Store. I figured, "What the heck? I can always sell them if I don't like them." I really don't need them, but for under $1K to get a RBH system, I might as well give them a shot.

I know I'm gonna hate myself later for saying this and I'd hate to be thrown into the "fanboy" status with Gene on RBH bandwagon, but these speakers really sound great. And it makes me a little sick to my stomach to say that Tom was "right on" with his review (pardon me, I feel my dinner starting to come up on me right now).

The finish is definetly not the best. The vinyl rosewood finish is kinda cheezy but not bad. For the most part the piano black ends make up for this. And I do wish they used better quality binding posts or better yet, two sets for bi-amping. But it's not all bad in the looks department. The bookshelves and the center channel are all rear ported so they do limit placement and the available wall brackets.

To be honest, I was hoping these were just "OK" speakers so they'd end up going in the living room or becoming "spares". But now I'm thinking about placing them in my bedroom with Losewife's setup. And we really have no room for towers in there. And if I put them in the living room that means I need to buy another receiver or wire another zone. :mad:

I have no plans on kicking my Cantons to the curb in my theater, but I'd definitely think about moving up to the higher end Signature Series (like the T's) in the future.

Anyway, I'm not the only one who took advantage of this deal. I'd be curious to hear from more people on their experiences. Especially from those of you that these aren't your first speakers.

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