Sony finally did pick the right side for once, IMO. I don't see where HD-DVD ever had a real chance with all the companies going up against it. It's the same as Beta sold by Sony and Zenith (and wasn't there one more), with a better pic, lost to VHS, sold by everyone else, with a longer record time, and from what I saw, more reliable hardware. My friend, who worked in an appliance store, fixed an awful lot of Beta machines that ate tapes, versus a tiny few VHS machines that did. Most of the failures on the older Panasonic built machines (Most VHS at that time), consisted of the end of tape sensing light bulbs burning out, a 15 minute fix.
HD-DVD has no real advantage of any kind, except for a cheaper player price right now. BR has headroom, if needed, and a larger storage capacity is ALWAYS better in the long run. I was shocked that HD-DVD really ever made it to production in the first place.
When the price finally breaks on BR, I'll be buying, but until then, I can wait.
I will be shocked if HD-DVD player production lasts more than another year or so. Dual format players will keep it alive for a while after that, but IMO, it's
"Dead HD-DVD Walking".