PS3 games for the wife

mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
what's a good PS3 game for the wife?

let me tell you the previous games she liked on other consoles:
Mario Kart
Mario Bros.
some cartoony racing game where you can fire stuff at other racers on the gamecube.


Audioholic Ninja
There is a downloadable game called flow which I would look into. Its only about 8 bucks and my girl seems to like it. Very laid back and simple to play. Here are some reviews:

Another game to look into might be Sonic. While I have not played it sonic generally seems to be similar to the mario Bros games or you could always get her Harry Potter.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
will these showcase a ps3's vid capability?

how do you play harry potter, adventure like mario bros.? or role playing?


Audioholic Ninja
I was kind of kidding about harry potter I have no idea at all about it. As for showing off the ps3 I would look into games like resistance fall of man or motorstorm and the up and coming ninja gaiden sigma.


Senior Audioholic
My girlfriend really enjoyed Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom. I'd describe it as a real-time action rpg, but I'm hesitant to say rpg because of the connotation. Imagine an improved version of Gauntlet with upgradeable characters, weapons, magic, etc. The visuals are nice and it's pretty fun i've really got into the game as of late. I think it took her about 14-15 hours to complete it, but then you can play as either a scout, mage or warrior so she completed it as a scout and is now trying it as a mage. Should be pretty cheap now too as it was a launch game.


Audioholic Jedi
There really aren't any "easy", family type games on the PS3 yet. There are a number of inexpensive downloadable games that are at least interesting. Go Sudoku and Lemmings come to mind, as well as flOw, which I loved but it is very short. Graphically, flOw is very impressive yet simple, and the game play is unique. There is only one action button and all movement is handled by tilting the controler.

You can also download a bunch of the demo games, most of which are good to showcase the video capabilities. Genji in particular looks great; probably one of the best looking I've seen so far. Too bad the game is so frustratingly uneven - relatively easy during levels only to become nearly impossible to finish the level.


Audioholic Ninja
I just realized if your wife enjoyed mario kart she might like another downloadable game which is called Calling All Cars. Its almost a cartoony twist of mario kart and twisted metal but extremely toned down since its a downloadable game that is cell shaded. I think it was 10 bucks or so.


That’s funny my GF is the same way and the lack of games that she'll like is making it really difficult for me to get a PS3. The GF was interested in Guitar hero rock the 80's. It’s PS2 so it won’t showcase the PS3's vid capability but she might enjoy it.


Audioholic Jedi
My g/f actually likes Motorstorm, but the higher levels I think are a bit too tough for her. Now that I have unlocked a bunch of vehicles though, she can play the easier levels with the better ones :)


Well has your wife played Jak and Daxter for the ps2? As of right now ism using ps2 classics to tide me over until there are more titles. She will probably love this game, and she can play it with the pS3...


Audioholic Jedi
And the new Jak & Daxter is coming soon for the PS3. The graphics in the demo are pretty insane...


Senior Audioholic
My g/f actually likes Motorstorm, but the higher levels I think are a bit too tough for her. Now that I have unlocked a bunch of vehicles though, she can play the easier levels with the better ones :)
Gotta love that. My g/f actually beat Ridge Racer 7.


Audioholic Ninja
Sounds like she should have a Wii.

She'd love Mario Party, Wii Sports, Super Paper Mario, Brain Age, and maybe Super Monkey Ball and Wario Ware.

Not to mention Mario Galaxy and Mario Kart Wii that will be coming out.


The new Jak games are not very fun compared to the original, in my opinion. She might not like the violence.


Audioholic Spartan
God of War, defninitely!!! I'm sure she'll LOVE the nudity and violence. :D

My wife really likes Guitar Hero. Not a graphics-intensive game though.


Audioholic Chief
what's a good PS3 game for the wife?

let me tell you the previous games she liked on other consoles:
Mario Kart
Mario Bros.
some cartoony racing game where you can fire stuff at other racers on the gamecube.
Parappa 3 is coming.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
well, I bought two PS3 games yesterday ... haven't had the time to install yet.

I was supposed to get marvel ultimate alliance and Full Auto 2 (racing with guns!), but when I checked the marvel game, the disc was off the case, and it was the last stock, so I picked up resistance instead. now I realize I hate FPS games, and especially monster FPS :) anybody have invulnerability cheats?

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