

Don't have either yet obviously. I have an old Xbox that I'm happy with. The Wii is cheap, but are there any real must have games or is it more of a gimick? I'm leaning toward the 360. I don't think I'll be unhappy with anything but the price.


Audioholic Ninja
Right now the 360 has the most and best games on the market between the three systems hands down, but it has also had a year long head start. Currently, due to the Wii's unexpected success, many game developers are trying to pump out games for the Wii to get where the world market has shifted.

The Wii will have quiet a few games released for it soon. It is selling well and simple/cheap to design games for something developers like.

You should just go out and give the Wii and 360 a chance and see what you like more also, if you have no huge rush to get into the next gen wait a little while 360's prices will drop pretty soon here, I think, which might not be a bad thing (waiting) since 360's have a high tendency to break.


Wii comes with the best Wii game IMO. I've had a Wii for about 8 months now and only own the 2 games that came with the system wii sports and excite truck. We still play both games every weekend..... if you playing it by yourself though I could see how those games might get boaring.


Ok, thanks for the reponses. I've played and had most of the most popular systems since the 80's. I even had Trip Hawkins overpriced 3DO.

I can remember the gadgets that Nintedo came out with for their NES and I don't want to buy something that is just a gimick and never gets used. That's probably not the case though.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice....

It's nice to get real opinions.


Audioholic Ninja
I'm glad I bought the Wii *just* for Twilight Princess. It's that good.

Beyond that, Wii Sports is *still* a lot of fun with other people. Mario Party is fun. RE4 is about to come out. Super Paper Mario is a really, really great action RPG/platformer and even Wario Ware is fun.

Metroid Prime 3, No More Heroes, Mario Galaxy, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Mario Strikers, Super Smash Bros Brawl, and Project HAMMER are all coming out in the next 6-8 months. At least two of these are must have games.


Audioholic Jedi
You mean RE5? 4 has been out for a long time.

It depends on whether you want just want some fun games or if you want something more serious with better graphics. The Wii's graphics aren't much better than the PS2 or the Game Cube. IMO, the 360s controllers are still some of the best ever made for any system.

I buy a game, play it, finish it, unlock everything I can, and if it wasn't an excellent game, I trade it in towards something new. So for me, I'd be looking 360.


Audioholic Ninja
No, I mean RE4.

Better graphics do not mean the game is more "serious." Or more enjoyable.

I agree about the 360 controllers. I use them for PC gaming.

There's nothing about any of the 360 games that really hasn't been done (or isn't about to be done) on the PC. The Wii offers a totally different experience with its share of very serious world-class games.

Go play through Metroid Prime 2, Twilight Princess, and RE4 and tell me these aren't serious games.


Audioholic Ninja
For the record RE4 was just rereleased on the Wii and made easier than the original gamecube/ps2 version for more casual gamers along with receiving controls compatible with the wii.

While I wouldn't call the Wii mote a gimmick anymore I would say the 360 and the ps3 are for far more "hardcore gamers."

Also, I played Super Paper Mario and hated it. To kiddy, way to easy and a horrible story that belonged no where near the mario name. Currently the Wii's problem is that Twilight princess and Wii Sports are the only good games and Twilight Princess is too short and has little to no replay value.


Well, as luck would have it my Xbox broke today. I turned it on and got the infamous flashing red and green(FRAG). I'll most likely be in the market for a 360.


Well I have both wii and xbox 360.. i just think you should get the ps3 ( right away) it my have the same problem as my 360 with hardware faliure ( First Gen.. Red ring of death)


Backwards compatability would be the reason I would buy the xbox. You already have xbox games, so for now all you would have to do is buy the hardware and rent games to see which ones you would like.


Audioholic Jedi
For the record RE4 was just rereleased on the Wii and made easier than the original gamecube/ps2 version for more casual gamers along with receiving controls compatible with the wii.
It wasn't that hard on the was better on the PS2, with the additional weapons, Ava's completely new sub-game that tied in directly with the story, better graphics, etc...

While I wouldn't call the Wii mote a gimmick anymore I would say the 360 and the ps3 are for far more "hardcore gamers."
That was what I was getting at :)

Also, I played Super Paper Mario and hated it. To kiddy, way to easy and a horrible story that belonged no where near the mario name. Currently the Wii's problem is that Twilight princess and Wii Sports are the only good games and Twilight Princess is too short and has little to no replay value.
IMO, most of the games are far too easy and have little to no replay value...RE4 is an excellent game, I would consider it a MUST PLAY, but since it has been out for years, I'd say anyone who cared has already played it.


Audioholic Ninja
For the record I think the review consensus on RE4 was that the graphics were better on the gamecube, but as a whole it was better for ps2 because of the updates.

While I haven't personally played the Wii version of RE4 I have heard its a worth while pick up for fans of the game. That being said I bought the GC version when I bought my Wii and am happy with that.


I have a wii, Xbox 360, and PS3. I would say the best between the wii and 360 is definately the 360. All the wii is, is a gamecube with a motion controller. In my opinion I would say forget about the wii and 360 and just save your money and buy a PS3. Out of all of my systems the PS3 is the one I play the most.


Audioholic Ninja
I would have to agree with rasta overall on this one. I think the extra money spent on a ps3 is the best bet over all. I have a ps3 and a Wii and have spent much time playing the 360 when debating on which to buy between the 360 and ps3. Build quality and the fact that there is free online, blu-ray as well as higher quality graphics and a far less likely chance of breakage lead me to the ps3.


Audioholic Chief
Don't have either yet obviously. I have an old Xbox that I'm happy with. The Wii is cheap, but are there any real must have games or is it more of a gimick? I'm leaning toward the 360. I don't think I'll be unhappy with anything but the price.
If you can, wait til the fall. The summer is typically slow, and the picture will be much clearer by then.

PS3 - Not a whole lot to play right now. Probably will come down in price by fall.

360 - Many good games in the fall. Newer, cooler CPU coming. Best game selection, but the hardware is more fragile than grandma's china.

Wii - Solid hardware, not a whole lot of games yet. This will change by the end of the year, with many developers throwing money at it now that it's a hit.

I have a 360 and Wii, and i like them both. If you plan on playing with friends all the time at your house, Wii is more fun. If you plan on playing alone or online, 360 is better. I'll end up buying a ps3, but not until it comes down in price and actually has games worth playing. Until then, it's a $600 Blu-Ray player.


Audioholic Spartan
I just got a wii last night, and have spend under an hour playing it so far, and I really like it. I just wish they had enabled it to play dvd's, but that's not really an issue, since I own enough other dvd players already. The wii definitely wins on the fun factor due to the high level of interaction with the wiimote, but the 360 still has the better gameplay and far superior graphics. I say if you can afford both, then by all means get both.

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