Best Gaming Console



Audioholic Chief
The Wii is a fad basically and it will pass just like the Game Cube and the DS.
The DS is anything but a fad. They've sold over 10 million of those things and it shows no signs of slowing down. Even the software is selling really really well.

The PS3 has to come down in price, and right away. The games look pretty, but if no one buys the console, it's not going to make it very long. They need to make the developers happy first, and no one wants to spend 20 million dollars to develop a game if there isn't a large enough console base to make it profitable. They didn't have one software title in the top 20 in march, which is amazing considering its a new console and there are only a few games out.

My prediction: You'll see a much lower cost PS3 (~$350) come out well before the holidays. It's the only way it's going to survive.


Audioholic Jedi
They've already hinted at the fact that there may be a lower model introduced, just as the 20g model has been discontinued. It is having a slow start, but it definitely doesn't look like it will have a problem "surviving".


Audioholic Chief
They've already hinted at the fact that there may be a lower model introduced, just as the 20g model has been discontinued. It is having a slow start, but it definitely doesn't look like it will have a problem "surviving".
I hope you're right and I hope they do it soon -- they need to start selling more consoles. But it's not a good sign that the 360 outsold it by 50% in March, when it's only been out 4 months. Even the PSP outsold it by a significant margin. Talking to the local gamestop manager, he made a joke that they get more PS3 returns than they sell.

Personally, *I* won't even consider buying it until it comes down in price and much better games are available, which looks to be 2008 at this point. And that says a lot, i've owned just about every major console since the Genesis.

I wasn't doubting it would survive, Sony's not dumb enough not to do *something* on the took them a long time, but they finally lowered the price on the PSP. Hopefully they get the hint sooner on the PS3.
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Audioholic Ninja
Currently I have a Wii and its a great system especially for more casual gamers. That being said I also plan on buying a ps3 pretty soon, during the summer. The only way that will be changing is if something spectacular happens with the 360 or something terrible happens with the ps3.

Overall the ps3 will win this war especially once the prices drop.


Audioholic Jedi
IMO, much of the cost is due to the fact that they did pretty much everything in house and the laser assemblies as well as HDMI 1.3 chips were all basically being sucked up by Sony. Now both the 1.3 stuff (thanks to Silicon Image?) and the laser assemblies are up to a decent level of capacity which means Sony can start bringing its own cost down. I totally agree they need to bring the price down for it to REALLY catch on; it was still a hard pill for me to swallow at Christmas, but one I was willing to suffer even knowing there were only going to be about 10 or so games. I was a little disappointed with the initial offering of games, but so far I am still very happy with the PS3.

The PS2 did not dominate the market in its first year either, but we know where that went....

When I look out my window here at work, Sony has an office right across the street :)


I have the perfect ...

answer to this ? Get 1 of each, with a 30 day no ? asked return policy. Keep the one you like and return the others.



The PS3 has to come down in price, and right away. The games look pretty, but if no one buys the console, it's not going to make it very long. They need to make the developers happy first, and no one wants to spend 20 million dollars to develop a game if there isn't a large enough console base to make it profitable. They didn't have one software title in the top 20 in march, which is amazing considering its a new console and there are only a few games out.

My prediction: You'll see a much lower cost PS3 (~$350) come out well before the holidays. It's the only way it's going to survive.
I don't see how they can charge any less. Sony is losing more than $250 on every PS3 sold right now.


Where did you get your info...

I don't see how they can charge any less. Sony is losing more than $250 on every PS3 sold right now.
Wow $250.oo, I thought they were breaking even, LoL. Now that's a FUNNY!:rolleyes:


Audioholic Chief
I don't see how they can charge any less. Sony is losing more than $250 on every PS3 sold right now.
Well, they've put themselves in a difficult situation. They've spent hundreds of millions on R&D for the console. They're losing money on each sale. However, if they don't drop the price, they face the very real possibility of finishing 3rd this time around, which means less games sold, which is how they were going to make up the loss to begin with.

The latest NPD data (April) only had one PS3 game in the top 20. Worse, the PS3 dropped below 10k sales for a week for the first time ever (for PS1, 2 or 3) - in Japan!

They need to do something to get more in the hands of gamers, and fast. The cost to build will come down, but not as fast as they need it to. I saw two or three huge developers announcing they were cancelling ps3 games to "redeploy" the teams to work on Wii.

Sometimes you need to cut off the leg to save the patient.
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Audioholic General
I've actually come across quite a few people lately who are having a ball with their Wiis, including a lot of the games that are out now. I don't think they've had enough defining games out to really show the system off yet, but it seems there are quite a few people out there who don't share that sentiment and who love the Wii.


Audioholic Intern
Some, not all. From what I've read, the biggest ones like MGS4 will be PS3 exclusive. A few will be exclusive, but a few of the more popular ones will go to both; however some will be on one or the other first for a while.
How about Halo 3? Seriously PS3 has nothing even close to that type of hype of the third installment. While MGS4 might be cool and people are hyped, it's nowhere near on the same planet.

I also disagree with your comment, most of the big games will be on both consoles.

To me the breakdown is this, both PS3 and XBOX 360 are great consoles, but are known for different types of games. If you are into FPS's then I would choose XBOX, if you like all of those odd Japanese games and more RPG's then go with the PS3. Both will have most the same big name titles when they come out anyway.

Now the only thing I would start to think about is the next generation. Obvisouly Mr. Gates slapped the hell out of SONY this round, and will have a head start on the next gen console. It's like the roles have reversed from the last generation, I could remember when XBOX had a bit better graphics but less games.


Full Audioholic
Now the only thing I would start to think about is the next generation. Obvisouly Mr. Gates slapped the hell out of SONY this round, and will have a head start on the next gen console. It's like the roles have reversed from the last generation, I could remember when XBOX had a bit better graphics but less games.
What is your view of the lack of HDD's in all 360's or the limitations to games being on a standard DVD as opposed to all PS3's having HDD's built in and games being able to be on BD discs? Think that will have any bearing on where these machines stand 2 years from now or do you think the facts games increase in size every year will cease to be fact?

I am a 360 owner, but the limitations like these, which I think are very important and will shape the future of this "war", are being severely under-estimated at this point in time.

GTA VI, when it comes out, will NEED data storage space on both a HDD and on the disc it is delivered on. How will the 360 version ever hope to keep up with that developers can put on Sony hardware? Compression techniques will only get you SO FAR.


Audioholic Jedi
I also disagree with your comment, most of the big games will be on both consoles.
Maybe you didn't read close enough...I clearly said the more popular titles will end up on both. This is how it was for the PS2/Xbox, though some titles came out first on one and then on the other.

I am not a big FPS fan and sorry to say it, but I really don't like Halo so that has no bearing on me. To me it is just that, HYPE. Metal Gear Solid is one of the best series ever done on any console. MGS3 is unlike any other game that I have played and really pushed what a console game is capable of; which is why MGS4 is one of the most highly anticipated games for the PS3.

He is correct though, going forward the next Xbox will again have the upper hand because they will know exactly what they are up against in the PS3 and they will also have to be looking at HD-DVD levels of storage, which means either built in HD-DVD drive or a big hard drive. I completely agree that people seem to be missing the simple fact that you can literally fit 5X the amount of data on a BluRay disc vs a DVD and this alone makes a HUGE difference before you even get to the graphics and processing hardware.


Audioholic Chief
GTA VI, when it comes out, will NEED data storage space on both a HDD and on the disc it is delivered on. How will the 360 version ever hope to keep up with that developers can put on Sony hardware? Compression techniques will only get you SO FAR.
... people seem to be missing the simple fact that you can literally fit 5X the amount of data on a BluRay disc vs a DVD and this alone makes a HUGE difference before you even get to the graphics and processing hardware.
Um...they can just release a multidisc game...

mech said:
How about Halo 3? Seriously PS3 has nothing even close to that type of hype of the third installment. While MGS4 might be cool and people are hyped, it's nowhere near on the same planet.
In the US, true. Japan is just as big a gaming market though and they completely ignore FPS. Final Fantasy will do the same thing, relatively as Halo here.


Full Audioholic
Um...they can just release a multidisc game...
If M$ are going to be relying on multi-disk games as a way of going forward they might as well grab hold of their ankles an kiss their a$$ good bye!!

There is NOTHING more irritating than having to swap out disks mid-game.


Full Audioholic
Um...they can just release a multidisc game...
That is funny.

A multi-disk GTA game where depending on where you drive in the city, you have a load in a certain disk once you cross a certain street...and if you turn around, you have to immediately get up and pop the other disk back in....not to mention you need to save before every disk ejection, AND hope that shitty disk tray in our 360 holds up to the sudden HUGE rise in the amount it is open and shut.


Next gen gaming where one console has multi-disk gaming and the other doesn't. Nothing like ruining immersion with random "you must save your game and insert disk #2" messages mid-game.


Audioholic Chief
It'd be dumb to make one part of the city on one disc and one on others, but transitioning to another disc midway through the game ala Grandia or Shenmue isn't unheard of.

Consequently, i read today that Halo3 CE may be on multiple discs. There are 3 discs in the package, and one is extras. IGN is speculating what's on the second disc...

Granted, we'd all prefer the game to be on one disc. The other option they have is to just require the hard drive.


Audioholic Ninja
It'd be dumb to make one part of the city on one disc and one on others, but transitioning to another disc midway through the game ala Grandia or Shenmue isn't unheard of.

Consequently, i read today that Halo3 CE may be on multiple discs. There are 3 discs in the package, and one is extras. IGN is speculating what's on the second disc...

Granted, we'd all prefer the game to be on one disc. The other option they have is to just require the hard drive.
Highly unlikely to force users to buy an optional add-on to play a game. Even if it is halo it will drop sales pretty good. Bad move, you might as well say require HD DVD player.


Audioholic Chief
Since the CE is the only multidisc one, it's speculated to be extra content that's not the main game.

Of course, this is the same company that wants you to shell out $129 for a "Legendary Edition" of a game and $129 for a racing wheel, so all bets are off.


Audioholic Intern
The issue and argument that I keep hearing is where PS3 and the 360 will be in two to three years. My point is that it will take PS3 that long to catch up after it's total blunder, and then the next version of the XBOX will already be getting ready for release or at least very close to the release. Oh and to say that final fantasy 20 or is it 30, is just as anticipated as Halo 3 is just a joke! Seriously you can't believe that argument can you? I like Halo okay, but I have to be honest and say that there is no game on any console that is more hyped.

By the way, I am not trying to stir the pot, but just pointing out the facts boys. As I have said before, we all want to feel that the purchases we have made are always the best, but they aren’t always. Both systems are cool it’s just that both of the major companies have swapped roles from their last console releases. I can remember sitting and playing a game of pong just waiting for the PS2 load up between screens, and thinking how much more technically advanced the XBOX was.

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