I have been trying to get a better understanding of this 2-3 pulldown issue and have read a few articles and posts that discuss it. The reason I'm looking into it is because I'm looking to buy a new TV and I was looking at the Sony SXRD KDS-60A2020. Having seen it in the store, the display looks great but it still suffers from the "judder" during pans and other motion sequences. I guess my confusion comes from where the real problem is.
I see that some display devices can accept a 1080p24 signal, but how does that help? Doesn't that display still need to somehow convert the 24fps signal into 60fps? Isn't that where the problem comes in? I don't see why it makes a difference if the display does it or if the DVD player does it, or something else does it. From what I can tell, the source needs to be converted *somewhere* along the way.
I see that the new Sony SXRD TVs are supposed to have the 24fps input and 120Hz display, correct? If so, does that eliminate the whole 2-3 pulldown issue? I know that 120 divides evenly by 24 which means there is no weird adding/removing frames.
In the end, I'm trying to decide if it's worth waiting for one of the new SXRD models or not. This seems to be a big improvement in quality since I really notice the judder and would love to get a TV that is not affected.
The other question is will you need a DVD player capable of sending the TV 24fps? I have an HD-A2 and don't want to replace it if I don't have to.
Thanks for the help