Audioholic Intern
I'm not sure why I feel compelled to share this, and I know the response I'm deservedly going to get in this forum, but I've just spent some fairly serious money on a 3m pair of Nordost Heimdall speaker cable.
Historically I've always been a cable nay-sayer. I've told people till I was blue in the face that cables don't really make a difference. I've read many articles that illustrate quite clearly that you can't hear a difference in a blind scenario. I have a degree in theoretical physics and have a reasonably good grasp of what's going on under the hood as well, and I know deep down that it makes no sense.
But I still bought them.
Of course, when I put them into my system I thought I heard a difference, but I'm absolutely willing to accept that such a difference would disappear under controlled testing, and is all in my head. The thing is, for some reason I don't care. I sleep easier in my bed knowing I have them, and it's not just for bragging rights. Truly, I'm ashamed that I've done this and that I didn't have the courage of my convictions. I'm keeping them, though.
I feel a little better now that I've got that off my chest. Am I still even allowed to lurk here? Is this the stupidest thing you've ever heard?
Historically I've always been a cable nay-sayer. I've told people till I was blue in the face that cables don't really make a difference. I've read many articles that illustrate quite clearly that you can't hear a difference in a blind scenario. I have a degree in theoretical physics and have a reasonably good grasp of what's going on under the hood as well, and I know deep down that it makes no sense.
But I still bought them.
Of course, when I put them into my system I thought I heard a difference, but I'm absolutely willing to accept that such a difference would disappear under controlled testing, and is all in my head. The thing is, for some reason I don't care. I sleep easier in my bed knowing I have them, and it's not just for bragging rights. Truly, I'm ashamed that I've done this and that I didn't have the courage of my convictions. I'm keeping them, though.
I feel a little better now that I've got that off my chest. Am I still even allowed to lurk here? Is this the stupidest thing you've ever heard?