Ok, I say it should be priced about $250.00
Just remember that it would be used mostly for a small room while studying. That is the same room that I have the Klipsch reference speakers, Denon 2930CI, 3805, HSU VTF-2 MK2 - used mostly to watch movies. When I listen to music from this setup, I am not too impressed - It sounds ok but not wow ok, and I usually play music between 55 and 75 DBs (loud volumes don't impress one bit). Now, when I play some CDs using the subwoofer (crossover at 80hz even though speakers can handle 42hz), the bass is just intolerable to my ears and I have to use two channels instead - much better but something is lacking - that crystal clarity you get when listening to live music without any amplification. I though the Bose would come in handy in this regard (never expected that it would compete with the room's stereo system but that perhaps it would sound clearer or cleaner)
So did it..?
I just picked it up at the store today and listened to several CDs - hmmm.. I am not too impressed but I must say that it does sound similar to my system at the same volume (55-75 DBs) for the 80hz and above. And for Classical music in this range it keeps up nicely. I have other radios between $50-100 and this BOSE unit is much better than all of them, no doubt about that. Do I think it is worth $500...maybe not, but what is the competition? If there is another radio that sounds as good for half the price, let me know ..hopefully they will offer a 30-day trial.
About power consumption (plugged in to Kill-a-watt): well my 3805 and 2930Ci powered up (no subwoofer) uses 130Watts at this volume. The Bose uses 8 watts at the same volume and sounds the same to my ears. Assuming 6hrs/day and .10/kwh - that is $28 vs $1.75 per year. So all else the same, unit pays itself in almost 20 years.

Perhaps there are other factors, such that the 3805 and 2930CI would add more heat to the room during summer, put bigger dent in the environment (pay attention Mr. Gore), etc. but I won't factor these - just plain electricity usage.
The unit looks nice, uses a small footprint, does a decent job at what is designed to do - I say about $250.00 is a fair price since it does sound better than the cambridge (I have listened to that radio as well - bass sounds too distorted...I have lots of problems with bass, I don't handle it well
