Bose Wave Music system



Audioholic General
Perhaps I am not calibrating correctly - I thought it would be simple. What I did was this: I set the Radio Shack's SLM to 70 - Then manually adjusted each Speaker from the receiver's menu to sound at 72 db from my listening position. That's it. I have not experimented placing the subwoofer at various locations, etc. I set the crossover at 80hz.
Subwoofer placement is critical. Try placing the subwoofer at your seating position, then crawl around the room until you think it sounds the best. Put it there and see if it's any better.


...What it may draw at the outlet is anyones guess since it has no bearing on things sonic, therfore has never been measured.

Not sure what it is, I was just comparing how much wattage each system draws at the outlet to determine its energy consumption.

Also, re: distortion w/sub...are you quite certain you are not confusing structural rattles, noises and things that go bump-in-the-night that might be excited by the LF information produced by the sub as speaker distortion?

I am utilizing very little of the subwoofer's capabilities at the level I'm playing it. I just want it to sound good an musical at this low volume. If I were to crank it up, I would have to leave the room.

Alternatively, placement is definitely an issue as has been previously suggested...The subs' location may be producing standing waves...

Perhaps. I will try the headphone test as it was suggested.


so far..

My current collection of headphones are crap (Shure E3, Sony's studio monitors, Bose Tri-port), I don't hear any bass - I will be buying the SENNHEISER 600 or 650 (not sure if this is better) to be my reference (after all, Gene DellaSala stated that the headphones sounded just as good as his $15k speakers) we will see. As I've stated before, the Bose radio and my system are running a very tight race at this stage (between 55-75 dbs)...I can't hardly wait for the headphones to find out what is wrong with my setup.:confused:


Audioholic General
The E3s should have bass, if you're not getting any out of them either you have lofty expectations or the fit isn't right.


Perhaps I am not calibrating correctly - I thought it would be simple. What I did was this: I set the Radio Shack's SLM to 70 - Then manually adjusted each Speaker from the receiver's menu to sound at 72 db from my listening position. That's it. I have not experimented placing the subwoofer at various locations, etc. I set the crossover at 80hz.
The RS meter isn't linear. Look up the Rives test CD 2, they have tracks specifically calibrated to match the RS meter, and you can check various frequencies to chart response and see what issues you're having. Could be room problems, could be the sub is set too high. Maybe the sub needs to be moved.




1. I kept the wave system since I was too lazy to return it. Oh well, I go to sleep listening to it since it does sound decent enough.

2. I listened to my system with the Sennheiser 650 - sounded very good - even gave it a "break-in" time. At times, I even forgot I had the headphones on - except for some pain around my ears due to the tight fit.

3. I decided to get the two channel Emotiva RSP-1/RPA-1 combo to test out my Klipsch speakers with it. Wow! I must say it sounds better than my Sennheiser 650 headphones - Crisp clean sound just like I wanted. I won't be using the headphones much now, only for nighttime listening.

4. Next...I will be buying an Emotiva amplifier for my Receiver to see if the amplification was the problem. Perhaps it was, since I am listening to the RSP-1/RPA-1 at low volume, yet the music comes out strong and clear.

Thanks to all.

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