To me the article read like pie in the face to the whole theory of"all properly designed gear sounds the same" in fact my take on the article reads the exact oposite.
It would appear that the quote of "properly designed gear" is still true! One does learn from the further investigations after listeners reported dissatisfaction, that that was in fact not so. And all is connected to some form of digital aberation - at least in this article.
I am fond of using the quoted phrase, but am also careful to put the "properly" in. I was wondering what this article would bring out, and it mainly seems that digital design still lacks a complete list of "must" tests. I would carefully dare say that that is no longer the case with amplifiers, especially analogue, in as much as the input is analogue. My experience of commercial amplifiers is limited, but I cannot recall one instance of reported dissatisfaction that could not be traced to a measured result in an amplifier. But very often all the tests are not performed.
Not to belabour; it is indeed so that "5,5 S" tests are rather lacking. But in the end, very enlightening to me also, and thanks for bringing that article out, Scotty!