Hi all,
I am brand new here and am sooo glad I found this site! That's because I...err, got custody of a home theater that I neither bought nor understand. Don't get me wrong, I love all that it does. But, I have moved and need to set this stuff up for the first time in my new place, which is alot smaller than the (ahem) marital abode.
OK, here are my questions. I have a system that does front, center, side, rear and sub. It is made by Lexicon, DC-1 is the model. It is old but (I'm told) still good. Yes? Anyway, in my new place I don't have the room (or desire) to have all those speakers. So, can I use it with just front, center, rear and sub speakers? Would it (I don't know exactly how to put this) translate the sounds well? Or would it (extending my silly analogy) sound like it was speaking with a heavy foreign accent?
FWIW, I really want to use what I have and not go to a store to buy new equipment, if possible.
Again, thanks in advance for any and all help!