Oh, I see... It is OK to rip people off. All you need is the proper justification. So if Scam Artist Extraordinaire gets a chance to sell his "stolen" speakers to an old woman on disability who is buying them for her grandson that she loves more than her heart medicine, they won't? They're like Robin Hood are they?
Come on, justify your own (and others) actions all you want but don't expect any of us to agree with it. While you may have represented your goods as "stolen" (which is a fabrication no different than saying these 'cube' speakers will transmit full frequency), most don't. Most (that I've heard of) represent them as "extras" that they have to get rid of and can't be sent back. While that smacks of "stolen", it gives the unwary (and perhaps even moral) consumer an "out" to believe that they aren't. A scam is a scam is a scam. Blaming the "scamee" does not absolve the guilt of the "scamer".