It must be a comprehension issue. My set up couldn't (to me) be simpler. and I am not an audio expert by any means.
Do not confuse my issue with hooking up to any multi room home theaters situation. These ceiling/outdoor speakers are simple 2 channel stereo, separate from anything.
Not hooked up to anything. I simply have wall screw terminals to receive speaker wire from a simple stereo receiver. Use to work fine when first installed and using simple stereo receiver. I bought a home theater ONKYO and discovered becaise of 3.1 home theater output, the only way to hook up the stereo speakers was to use Zone B Line out (2 channel stereo). This line out is to go to a pre main amplifier. I have never had any dealings with this, only a regular A/V Receiver.
Looking for low-cost solution to increase speaker volume. This situation does not need $400+ pre amps. Not gong to hook up to anything else.
Attached are photos of SMC (Structured Media Cabinet) which is pretty simple.
SMC.jpg is whole unit. 1 = 4 port wired gateway 2= System Module 3=Cable/Internet router
is close up of Ceiling/outdoor speaker hookup. Left connector goes to speaker screw wall terminals (received speaker wire from amp) The 6 right connectors go to individual ceiling or outdoor speakers (each has its own volume control in a wall plate).
Thanks for your input.