If Trump has the power to violate the law with impunity, future presidents will also have the power to violate the law with impunity.
If (big if) the executive branch can effectively rewrite laws at will, it strips congress of it's exclusive power to pass laws under Article 1 of the Constitution. We're not there yet, but it's not clear how this will play out.
>>>Legal experts noted the president is explicitly forbidden from cutting off spending for programs that Congress has approved. The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power to appropriate money and requires the executive to pay it out. A 50-year-old law known as the Impoundment Control Act makes that explicit by prohibiting the president from halting payments on grants or other programs approved by Congress.<<<
Donald Trump's effort to freeze trillions of dollars in federal grants is the most provocative of his many attempts to expand his power in the first days of his presidency.
Well, that de-escalated quickly.
>>>The White House on Wednesday rescinded a directive that froze trillions of dollars in federal grants and loans after the order led to mass confusion and legal challenges that accused the Trump administration of violating the law.
The order, issued Monday night, was an attempt to purge the government of what President Trump has called a “woke” ideology. A federal judge in the District of Columbia
temporarily blocked it Tuesday afternoon, but the lack of clarity sent schools, hospitals, nonprofits and other organizations scrambling to understand if they had lost their financial support from the government. . . .
The decision to pull the directive was a significant reversal and the first major capitulation by Mr. Trump since returning to the White House.<<<(emphasis added)
It certainly whipsawed operation of state and federal governments. From the NYT link above:
>>>On Wednesday morning, the Housing and Urban Development Department sent an email ordering researchers to stop work on their federally funded projects immediately while officials undertook a “comprehensive review.” Then on Wednesday afternoon, the department sent another email, this time saying that researchers could continue their work because the budget office memo had been rescinded. . . .
The precise scope and effect of the freeze was revealed in part by the declarations of state officials in a lawsuit they filed Tuesday to block the Trump administration’s order. In Arizona, $200 million was inaccessible as of midday Tuesday.<<<
I suppose someone could concoct an argument that this is all part of a brilliant plan of some sort, but Occam's razor says the original order was not well-reasoned.