Can we have a rational discussion about guns and why the typical arguments for gun control and its implementation won't work?



Audioholic Spartan
I numbered the points to make it easier to address them.

1- So YOU get to decide that someone's not rational? Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't make THEM irrational and some of your points in this post are ridiculous. Calling people idiots doesn't help your case.

2- Who uses machine guns? An AR IS NOT a 'machine gun'. A ban on actual machine guns still exists for most people, but it's still possible to buy and own them, if someone passes the requirements. I don't see a need for them, but so far, they haven't been used, with the exception of firearms that have been illegally modified.

3- Do you know something the rest of the world doesn't? Will it be possible to own machine guns in the near future, or are you just over-reacting to something?

4- Again, calling people idiots doesn't help your case and my intent in starting this thread was to see actual recommendations that might help the problem, which you AREN'T doing. I don't want machine guns- I don't know where you got that.

5- Now, you're posting gibberish- were you shouting while you typed? Seems so. A Glock is semi-automatic, but it's the main brand modified ILLEGALLY, with a device called a 'switch', that allows it to fire automatically. This device is illegal. Define 'high powered'- why did you group Glock, semi-automatic and high powered? That doesn't make sense because very few handguns are 'high powered'.

6- What 'brethren'? If you ever find a post from me that supports the NRA in any way other than being a tool for fighting absolute gun control and removal of the right to own guns, show it.

So, no cajones, eh? Got it- one of yours is bigger than the other two?

We have the right, but it's not a requirement for us to own guns. Some don't want them, some are totally afriad of them, some don't want anyone to have them. That's OK and not all are idiots but just as you think that people who want guns are idiots, some definitely are. I'm not a fan of the gung ho "I NEED MORE GUNS BECAUSE THE GUB'MINT IS COMIN'!" types and they're dangerous. Still, it's not often that one of them goes off.

7- Yeah, there are lots of points to having higher firepower by the police and military, but it's not for fighting off sensible people. One of the main reasons police armament has been upgraded to paramilitary proportions is to prevent another North Hollywood shootout, where the police were completely out-gunned.

Sure, some people obsess about gun specs- it may be their hobby but there's nothing that says they're going to go nuts and blow people away.

8- What are you on?

You completely missed the point of this thread. I asked, in order to find ways to stop ILLEGAL posession and use of firearms and you went bonkers by going after LEGAL gun ownership. The two are intermingled, but are not the same problem.

I get it- you hate this thread and that's OK. If you can't be civil, avoid it. However, it would be good if you educate yourself and learn the facts about gun crime. Politicians want to control people and control of all guns would make that easy in ways that we shouldn't want if they lean too hard.
Your waytoolong post is an example of trying to justify anything automatic. Bad people would eventually get ahold of them one way or another. Now it's not 5 dead but a 100 cause they could mow an entire crowd down. It's b&w, and think of it as saving lives. The problem with "guns don't kill, people do' is you can justify owning a MG without the broader implication that someone else could get ahold of it and do some real fucking serious harm. It's a circulation issue, and thank you feds for banning them. I also believe it's about saving the majority from the minority. And not just the Mt Stupid of criminals at the top, but also the idiots tumbling down the mountain below who think they need to use a MG to begin with.

So yes you're still an idiot if you think you need a MG to use for any reason.


Audioholic Spartan
Good Lord, now we're buying Machine guns o_O This thread has become as laughable as a speaker cable / IC thread ............


Audioholic Spartan
Good Lord, now we're buying Machine guns o_O This thread has become as laughable as a speaker cable / IC thread ............
This laughable thread started with the first post along with the unintentional ironic title.


Audioholic Spartan
Good Lord, now we're buying Machine guns o_O This thread has become as laughable as a speaker cable / IC thread ............
Cause the feds banned them, not because gun owners are 100% of sound. Even you believe in the 1% Rule. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
1% of the population is bad or not of sound mind.
Well, that's for sure more than 1%. Perhaps you're thinking about sociopathy with traits that business endorses? Say, Elon Musk? fElon Fück Face (FFF)? The Putin lapdog? Serial impregnator? Naming his offsprings, duly not-raped, X and similar?
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Audioholic Spartan
Well, that's for sure more than 1%. Perhaps you're thinking about sociopathy with traits that business endorses? Say, Elon Musk? fElon Fück Face (FFF)? The Putin lapdog? Serial impregnator? Naming his offsprings, duly not-raped, X and similar?
90/10, or 80/20 on guns? :p
Moral of the story is we haven't been terribly responsible with freedom, so how the hell are we gonna be responsible with fully automatics??? Put your trust in the ban.


Audioholic Spartan
90/10, or 80/20 on guns? :p
Moral of the story is we haven't been terribly responsible with freedom, so how the hell are we gonna be responsible with fully automatics??? Put your trust in the ban.
It's just really weird and then some, but the first post in this ironically named thread has this. Completely bonkers and then the dude starts whining when I point that out.

"- People who are afraid of guns need to realize that guns do nothing on their own and while the fear may be justified, these people shouldn't be in a position to make policy regarding them but could/should be part of the overall discussion.
-People need to stop getting attention when spewing information that's not accurate and they need to be corrected when they get that attention because it mis-informs others, often leading to a frenzied response."


Audioholic Spartan
I don't want this to become a 'Democrat vs Republican' thing, I would like to see reasoned comments and responses without turning to insults.

I have mentioned that Milwaukee is an example of a badly-run city but even if the city leaders have the best of intentions behind them, some people don't care and will do what they want, when they want and they don't care if it's illegal.

This happened late Sunday evening and it's the kind of event that can occur when people who shouldn't have access to guns, do. If you listen, it sounds like automatic gunfire at times and those weapons are already heavily regulated/taxed and access is much more difficult than most other guns.

My thoughts on what will help to decrease needless gun deaths-

- More/better care for people with mental illness
- The courts need to prevent access to guns and remove guns from people who have made threats (see the link about the casino shootings at the bottom)
- The Courts need to grow a set and hold people with violent past when they're arrested for violent crimes
-People need to accept the fact that they know someone with mental illness and that care is needed- lose the stigma
- People who are afraid of guns need to realize that guns do nothing on their own and while the fear may be justified, these people shouldn't be in a position to make policy regarding them but could/should be part of the overall discussion.
-People need to stop getting attention when spewing information that's not accurate and they need to be corrected when they get that attention because it mis-informs others, often leading to a frenzied response.

None of this needs to happen- people have to stop resorting to violence as one of their first reactions to anger.
A few years later and we all know this is total bunk and wishful "thinking".


Audioholic Spartan
It's just really weird and then some, but the first post in this ironically named thread has this. Completely bonkers and then the dude starts whining when I point that out.

"- People who are afraid of guns need to realize that guns do nothing on their own and while the fear may be justified, these people shouldn't be in a position to make policy regarding them but could/should be part of the overall discussion.
-People need to stop getting attention when spewing information that's not accurate and they need to be corrected when they get that attention because it mis-informs others, often leading to a frenzied response."
Some of them can't control themselves, so the feds will do it for you thankyouforyourtimebutyouropiniondoesntmeananythingsowe'reclosingherdown.

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