More a rant but with real examples LOL.....
1- Can we have a rational discussion about guns?
Nope, cause some gun owners in this discussion are not rational.
2- If you want a machine gun for personal use, you're an idiot.'
Doesn't matter how responsible you think you are. You're still an idiot.
3- Plus now more of them would be in circulation.
4- Well the feds banned machine guns in '86!
To ban them from idiots like you too.
5- If you own a glock, semi-automatic, or any other high powered equipment, there's reason to believe you'd want to own a MG for personal use. Therefore you're still an idiot.
6- If say like one person you go, Well "i" don't want to own a MG, you're also part of the problem cause you don't have the cajones to call out your fellow brethren for being idiots.
7- If say you go gaga over police specs, yeah you think you need that too. You're an idiot. (There's a point to police/military having superior fire power over civilians.)
8- Who are YOU to tell us what we can have?
The person who apparently knows better than you. It's actually ass-backwards: the non-gun owner knows more than the gunowner on this one.
I numbered the points to make it easier to address them.
1- So YOU get to decide that someone's not rational? Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't make THEM irrational and some of your points in this post are ridiculous. Calling people idiots doesn't help your case.
2- Who uses machine guns? An AR IS NOT a 'machine gun'. A ban on actual machine guns still exists for most people, but it's still possible to buy and own them, if someone passes the requirements. I don't see a need for them, but so far, they haven't been used, with the exception of firearms that have been illegally modified.
3- Do you know something the rest of the world doesn't? Will it be possible to own machine guns in the near future, or are you just over-reacting to something?
4- Again, calling people idiots doesn't help your case and my intent in starting this thread was to see actual recommendations that might help the problem, which you AREN'T doing. I don't want machine guns- I don't know where you got that.
5- Now, you're posting gibberish- were you shouting while you typed? Seems so. A Glock is semi-automatic, but it's the main brand modified ILLEGALLY, with a device called a 'switch', that allows it to fire automatically. This device is illegal. Define 'high powered'- why did you group Glock, semi-automatic and high powered? That doesn't make sense because very few handguns are 'high powered'.
6- What 'brethren'? If you ever find a post from me that supports the NRA in any way other than being a tool for fighting absolute gun control and removal of the right to own guns, show it.
So, no cajones, eh? Got it- one of yours is bigger than the other two?
We have the right, but it's not a requirement for us to own guns. Some don't want them, some are totally afriad of them, some don't want anyone to have them. That's OK and not all are idiots but just as you think that people who want guns are idiots, some definitely are. I'm not a fan of the gung ho "I NEED MORE GUNS BECAUSE THE GUB'MINT IS COMIN'!" types and they're dangerous. Still, it's not often that one of them goes off.
7- Yeah, there are lots of points to having higher firepower by the police and military, but it's not for fighting off sensible people. One of the main reasons police armament has been upgraded to paramilitary proportions is to prevent another North Hollywood shootout, where the police were completely out-gunned.
Sure, some people obsess about gun specs- it may be their hobby but there's nothing that says they're going to go nuts and blow people away.
8- What are you on?
You completely missed the point of this thread. I asked, in order to find ways to stop ILLEGAL posession and use of firearms and you went bonkers by going after LEGAL gun ownership. The two are intermingled, but are not the same problem.
I get it- you hate this thread and that's OK. If you can't be civil, avoid it. However, it would be good if you educate yourself and learn the facts about gun crime. Politicians want to control people and control of all guns would make that easy in ways that we shouldn't want if they lean too hard.