You didn't. And, I did not imply that you did. I was making a statement, not countering one.
Do you think other countries haven't/don't use lead pipe for their water supplys?
People are the same in that we are all from the same species (at least I think we all are) - homo sapiens sapiens. When a population reaches a critical mass, we can expect that the proportion of natural born criminally-minded, eg. psycho/sociopaths, would be pretty similar from one country to the next. The rest is up to the society people live in. So, if your crime rate is exceptionally high, we can't just blame the criminal and his parents. You have to hold your society accountable, as well.
Socio-economic conditions have a strong influence on how culture forms. Gang culture didn't evolve out of a vacuum, after all.
True, you didn't use 'predisposed', you used 'inherently'- my mistake.
Sure, lead pipes have been used in many places, but they did something about the problem, while Milwaukee has just kicked it down the road. The water treatment facility put a chemical in the water that was meant to leave a coating in the pipes, but if the pipes were disturbed or some other chemicals were introduced, the protection was badly affected and that happened without notification from the city.
People want to belong, to something. When their home life is terrible, they'll find some group who'll treat them as 'one of us', even if joining is violent or requires bad or terrible actions.
Somehow, the attraction to gangs needs to end, but it is exciting, in good and bad ways. TV and movies have glamorized it for close to 100 years and with social media, it isn't just a way to watch it, gangs and other groups use social media to announce plans for protests, flash mobs, rioting and car intersection takeovers.
Milwaukee has been known as 'the most segregated city in the US' for a long time and that can be blamed on city government. I have mentioned that MKE has only elected 5 Mayors since 1948- that's absolutely insane and it's the only major city that has had so few. One mayor was in office from 1960-1988 and his police chief was a real 'beat them until they stop and THEN ask questions' guy but the city also removed housing for a planned freeway bypass to reduce congestion through the downtown interchange, but that never happened. It might have been a good thing to have, but the problem is that they took out a wide swath of housing without having a place for those residents to move to, so they had to find their own accommodations. That sent a pretty clear message to the low income residents. Milwaukee also became known as a 'welfare haven' and people without much/any income moved to the city from many parts of the country because it was very easy to be accepted in the programs.
The areas that are often called the 'inner city' became 'the core', because conditions had declined so much. It would take too long to detail all of the problems but I will say that at least this isn't Chicago. Unfortunately, some of their problems come here because it's only a short drive away.
The city needs to do more- local leaders talk a lot, but it's not really getting better. I see and hear that Black/White relations are terrible but I honestly think that's the media's way of making people twitch. I don't avoid the areas of the city that some call 'bad' but I don't sense hostility- it's easy to see people interacting and it's not in bad ways. The crime, especially violent offenses, aren't usually inter-racial.
Then, there's the public school system- that's a complete CF.