Hi all. I'm shopping for a subwoofer for my living room. I've narrowed down to the HSU VTF-TN1 and the Rythmik F18. I'm open to other options but these are the top two right now. Do you have any advice on what might suit me better?
Here are my requirements (in order).
- I want to be completely satisfied with my selection. I want this to be my last subwoofer purchase—ever. Saving some money is good but overall I want to be happy. I read too many accounts of folks upgrading over and over again. I'm prepared to buy once, cry once if necessary.
- Room size adaptability. Support current 3000 ft^3 room, and a potentially larger living room down the road. Either oversize a single sub for a 3000 ft^3 room, or size appropriately for a single sub, allowing the purchase of a matching second sub down the road.
- 50/50 Home Theater/Music
- Music: rock and electronic music, Rock Band (PS4 video game)
- Theater: action, thrillers, and documentaries
- I love me some boom with my action movies but I don’t like really boomy subs (like a souped up Civic). Higher fidelity is great. Bonus points for a sub that can be transitioned between sealed and ported with port plugs.
- If purchasing matching set of subs at different times (one this year and another in, say, five years), I want to be reasonably certain that the model I select today will still be available for purchase down the road.
- I do want to enjoy my subs but I don't want to annoy my neighbors. I live in a detached home but in a cramped neighborhood. I'm friendly with my neighbors and don't want to piss them off. For reference, when I use my current subwoofer (PS-12) at a "loud" volume, I can hardly hear it when standing outside my home (on the opposite side of the wall). Although I'm aware it likely doesn't have very low frequency output.
- Low latency. Improved responsiveness when playing Rock Band, because game enjoyment is decreased when audio lag is present. Although game enjoyment is probably more affected by delay of high frequency reproduction than low frequency reproduction. All components in my theater system are intentionally selected to have minimal lag.
Room layout attached. 9 foot ceilings.
Current subwoofer is Infinity PS-12. Although it can replicate an earthquake rumble it feels underpowered. And I suspect that the frequency response curve is dropping a range of low frequencies. It was fine while I had it but I'm ready for an upgrade.
What I like about the F18: more horsepower, one sub would probably do the trick (might not need a matching pair), overall cheaper (one F18 as opposed to two TN1's)
What I like about the TN1: smaller footprint, easier to move (lighter), less likely to annoy my neighbors, one sub
might be enough (as opposed to needing two subs--a matching pair)
There's a chance I'll get both and return one, but that's a lot of extra expense on shipping fees that I'm trying to avoid.