Doubt you could hear down to 16Hz, most People can't even hear below 30 Hz. 30 Hz is low. Not much going on at those frequencies, Special effects that's Mixed into movies by Sound engineers for movie use. An Oregon Etc.
"According to the search results, humans can hear sounds below 30 Hz, but the range is limited. The human ear perceives frequencies between 20 Hz (lowest pitch) to 20 kHz (highest pitch). Sounds below 20 Hz are qualified as infrasounds, although some animals, such as mole-rats or elephants, can hear them."
"Infrasounds are not audible to humans, but they can be felt through vibrations. For example, the sound of a low-flying aircraft or a distant thunderstorm can be felt as a vibration rather than heard as a sound."
Here is a chart, as you can see, Humans typically around 31 Hertz. It's for that reason I haven't spent 2-3k or more on them higher-end high dollar subs. 600 to 800 max on price speaking for myself. Plus at my age waste of money. TLSGuy aka Doc, who has extensive knowledge plus has rubbed shoulders with some well known doctors of audio has posted many comments on this very subject of what, basically is over kill on subs, the money that people spend on them. I know of one dude and I'm sure many more out there have 33" subs T-Rex Bass.
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