SVS Subs with Wireless Adapters?



Audioholic Intern
Anyone have any configurations using wireless subs?
I have a Marantz AV10 which will support 4 independent subs.
I currently have 2 SVS Ultra-16 in the front next to each tower speaker.
I was thinking about adding 2 more lower end SVS subs along the side walls inline with the seating area.
Wireless would be perfect to avoid cable runs. I have Dirac bass control running.
My room is about 19x19, 361sqft. I'm wondering if I would benefit with adding 2 more and assuming Dirac would handle the delays.


Junior Audioholic
I think the best practice is to have same or similar subs all around. But most people don't and manage to find their way around. The smaller subs will generally hold back the bigger subs if you set them up in balance ie. max the small ones will not max the big ones. So I would not go with SVS 3000 micros in your case. SVS PC-4000 is a nice one and WAF is really high for that sub if relevant. Look at the SPL charts for the subs you are planning to use vs the Ultras to see what to expect.

A cheat around the SPL could be that smaller subs positioned closer to MLP than the bigger subs would close that SPL delta at about 3-4dB per meter. No cheat on extension - bigger subs will generally dig deeper and definitively in your case. Positioning and room modes will be more relevant for extension.

I would think that wireless could work with Dirac, but hopefully someone with actual experience can confirm. Don't use Dirac but if remember correctly there is still distance limit of some 17m or so. Physical distance eats up its share, then DSP some more (couple of meters, could be more if extensively used), and wireless adaptor even more. But so long as you are within 17m (or whatever the limitation is) Dirac and AV-10 will take care of timing.


Audioholic Intern
I think the best practice is to have same or similar subs all around. But most people don't and manage to find their way around. The smaller subs will generally hold back the bigger subs if you set them up in balance ie. max the small ones will not max the big ones. So I would not go with SVS 3000 micros in your case. SVS PC-4000 is a nice one and WAF is really high for that sub if relevant. Look at the SPL charts for the subs you are planning to use vs the Ultras to see what to expect.

A cheat around the SPL could be that smaller subs positioned closer to MLP than the bigger subs would close that SPL delta at about 3-4dB per meter. No cheat on extension - bigger subs will generally dig deeper and definitively in your case. Positioning and room modes will be more relevant for extension.

I would think that wireless could work with Dirac, but hopefully someone with actual experience can confirm. Don't use Dirac but if remember correctly there is still distance limit of some 17m or so. Physical distance eats up its share, then DSP some more (couple of meters, could be more if extensively used), and wireless adaptor even more. But so long as you are within 17m (or whatever the limitation is) Dirac and AV-10 will take care of timing.
I have a bit of a space issue so going with bigger subs like the PC-4000 might be tough. I was thinking SB-1000 or SB-2000. If its one of those "go big or go home" then I probably should just stay with the 2 Ultras. I don't want to invest in about 2500 worth of subs and wireless adapters only to hear a very small difference. My current setup isn't bad but I do seem to have some pockets of heavier bass in the rear of the room at times. Its possible when Dirac release ART for Marantz that this issue might get resolved.
I just chatted with SVS support and they recommend atleast the same or similar, recommendation like you said would be 4000 series. I have SB-16 so would need SB-4000 and to stay with sealed. He was saying there are phase issues if dissimilar subs are used and probable cancellations.
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Junior Audioholic
Theoretically, it is unfortunately go big or go home game - since you already went big. If you are willing to invest time and can return the subs, I guess you could always try and eventually it might end up working better, even if against theoretical odds. 2000 series would be a better candidate though :)

When you say you have some pockets of heavier bass in the back of the room, is that where you have any seats and are those positions that you have included in Dirac measurements? If not that would be normal as any EQ would work only on positions you have included in the measurements. In general, the smaller the optimisation area, the better results are. So MLP plus 1 seat on left and right is easier than if you have second row of seats, or multiple seats on the side.

Also, you room is square which is not optimal, so you are facing some bass response issues that might be difficult to solve. Not expert in this area, but could explore room modes in square rooms and believe there are some models that you could use to calculate some predicted responses - and potentially how to fix them.

Finally, since you have Audy for free on your AVR, might want to fire it up as well. Would buy at least the $20 D&M app in that case as the flexibility of the built in capabilities is pretty poor. If you like what you hear, next step would be $200 Audy X app (available only on Windows though) that would give you more control over the calibration and if needed import REW filters. Audy would give you a bit more flexibility and on-the-fly adjustments, plus DEQ that is not available on Dirac. I have pretty big system and AV-10 and managing it via Audy.


Audioholic Intern
Theoretically, it is unfortunately go big or go home game - since you already went big. If you are willing to invest time and can return the subs, I guess you could always try and eventually it might end up working better, even if against theoretical odds. 2000 series would be a better candidate though :)

When you say you have some pockets of heavier bass in the back of the room, is that where you have any seats and are those positions that you have included in Dirac measurements? If not that would be normal as any EQ would work only on positions you have included in the measurements. In general, the smaller the optimisation area, the better results are. So MLP plus 1 seat on left and right is easier than if you have second row of seats, or multiple seats on the side.

Also, you room is square which is not optimal, so you are facing some bass response issues that might be difficult to solve. Not expert in this area, but could explore room modes in square rooms and believe there are some models that you could use to calculate some predicted responses - and potentially how to fix them.

Finally, since you have Audy for free on your AVR, might want to fire it up as well. Would buy at least the $20 D&M app in that case as the flexibility of the built in capabilities is pretty poor. If you like what you hear, next step would be $200 Audy X app (available only on Windows though) that would give you more control over the calibration and if needed import REW filters. Audy would give you a bit more flexibility and on-the-fly adjustments, plus DEQ that is not available on Dirac. I have pretty big system and AV-10 and managing it via Audy.
My MLP setup is 2 recliners with a wedge table in between about 11 feet from front LCR and subs. So I don't have a second row and there is a wall about 7 feet behind MLP. I have used both Audy products, liking Audy-X better, but its too bassy and needs tweaks. I mainly use Dirac bass control with low end filters tweaked around 9dB and sometimes 6dB. I used the 13 position measurement for Dirac but only placed rear mic positions slightly behind recliners. The initial mic position is over the wedge table in between the recliners. Dirac support suggested that even though I sit in the left recliner most of the time. Anyway I've gotten off topic here. So I think I might hold and wait for Dirac ART and see how that would improve things.

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