
Audioholic Spartan
I remember Kilmeade's reaction after the question. It was priceless. :) I wonder how you can ask that question knowing it won't go well. The religious vote. I couldn't do it though. It's like taking a pie and smushing it in your face. :)


Seriously, I have no life.
Interesting. There have been people executed, I think, for other crimes without killing anyone but could be wrong; been known to be wrong, from time to time.

Gitmo is still open but has access to news people from time to time and it would be cruel punishment for all the guards.
There aren't many death sentences anymore- hell, murderers are released after a few years of good behavior, now.

The guards can receive hazard pay.


Seriously, I have no life.
I'm sorry the topic was broached, as dinner went very pleasantly except for that hiccup. They were very nice people.
To force opinions like that on strangers during dinner is ridiculous. She should have waited until you were in the bar...... :)


Audioholic Spartan
To force opinions like that on strangers during dinner is ridiculous. She should have waited until you were in the bar...... :)
I'm sure she believed she was making a perfectly reasonable comment. But, I don't think self-awareness is typical of people with this mindset.


Audioholic Spartan
Another LOL is OK did Lee Greenwood give Trump permission on using the God Bless America title? If yes, what does that say about him? Hahaha. :)


Audioholic Spartan
Another LOL is OK did Lee Greenwood give Trump permission on using the God Bless America title? If yes, what does that say about him? Hahaha. :)
Lee Greenwood actually released these Bibles back in 2021 or so and got a whole lot of bad reviews due to quality issues. What a nice way for both of these grifters to join together and make some $$. Wake up people Trump is not a Christian he is once again just grifting.


Audioholic Spartan
Lee Greenwood actually released these Bibles back in 2021 or so and got a whole lot of bad reviews due to quality issues. What a nice way for both of these grifters to join together and make some $$. Wake up people Trump is not a Christian he is once again just grifting.
Apparently it isn't enough for the Trump Train to fall off the bridge. No it has to hit every boulder on the way down.:)

I like this next merch grab....



Audioholic Samurai
Here's a possible answer. It might be a timing issue.

>>>Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, a professor at Stetson University College of Law in Florida, said the risk of paying defense attorneys with contributions is that the FEC or the Justice Department may later decide that it was an illegal personal use of campaign funds. She doubted such a case would be brought against Trump now because doing so might slow the ongoing federal prosecutions overseen by Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith.

“But after the Mar-a-Lago and January 6th cases are done, I would not be surprised to see a personal use case against Trump for using these millions in donations that are meant to go to his political campaign going instead for the personal use of keeping him out of prison,” Torres-Spelliscy said.<<<

. . .

Trump's legal problems might get significantly worse before too long.
According to this article, Trump is running out of other people's money (OPM) he can use to pay his legal fees.

>>>Since leaving office in 2021, former President Donald J. Trump has spent more than $100 million on lawyers and other costs related to fending off various investigations, indictments and his coming criminal trials, according to a New York Times review of federal records. . . .

Instead, the former president has relied almost entirely on donations made in an attempt to fight the results of the 2020 election. . . .

The Trump team has said the Republican National Committee won’t pay his legal bills. But his new shared fund-raising agreement with the party directs a portion of donations to his Save America PAC before the party itself.

Still, the account paying Mr. Trump’s legal bills will most likely be out of money by summer at the current spending pace.

Then, Mr. Trump will have to decide: Whose money will he use to pay his lawyers?<<<

This article provides a good explanation of how Trump has used OPM to pay his legal bills.

His maximum possible delay strategy appears to be moderately successful (if success is defined as "delay trials until after the election") but it is also costly.


Audioholic Spartan
Here's a thought: what if one day America became more theocratic. All thanks to Trump. :oops: It actually makes sense in a weird way that Trump was the driver behind this political accomplishment. Backwards. Yet it makes sense because it's backwards. :)


Audioholic Jedi
Here's a thought: what if one day America became more theocratic. All thanks to Trump. :oops: It actually makes sense in a weird way that Trump was the driver behind this political accomplishment. Backwards. Yet it makes sense because it's backwards. :)
It's been forecast for years, tho, he didn't initiate it, he's just trying to curry favor with the christian right. Just another bunch of suckers to drumphy....


Audioholic Spartan
Earlier examples were used, but I think it started with Obama nationalizing gay marriage. I think it should have been up to the states. Also Floodgate was used as an example. I think though the states were trying to restrict "large" populations during covid and not an attack on religion. Not really a good look though when liquor stores were allowed to stay open. Though for as crazy as it sounds liquor stores do not typically have "large" populations inside of the stores. I think this is where I tire of the "religious exempt" status that goes beyond taxes.

There are many, many, many Christians in this country who are deeply invested in the idea of sort of supernatural intervention and transformation and the idea that God speaks to us through the unlikeliest of sources.

And so for some chunk of that first group that you’re asking about, there’s no question. And I’ve talked with plenty of these folks. They believe Donald Trump is God’s instrument on Earth. And not only that, they believe that Donald Trump has become a Christian, that Donald Trump underwent a transformation while he was president, And why else would he be fighting for us the way that he’s fighting for us?

And it’s difficult to overstate just how meaningful that language of transformation is to people whose entire lives revolve around notions of transformation and of holy intercession.


And I reported extensively in 2016 on a really well-organized, well-financed effort to rally evangelical leaders around Ted Cruz, because they at least viewed him as one of their own. But he also had all of that same pugilism, all of that same attitude, that We’ve been pushed around too long, and now it’s time we fought back and we did something about this.

Donald Trump secures the Republican nomination, and then he realizes that he can’t get elected president without the support of these white evangelical voters and, frankly, without overwhelming support of those voters. And so, methodically, he starts his courtship of them.

He chooses Mike Pence as his running mate. He releases this list of Supreme Court justices. He promises explicitly that they will be pro-life Supreme Court justices, something that had never been done by a presidential nominee. He’s doing all of this signaling to evangelical voters. Perhaps most importantly, he goes to New York in the summer of 2016, and he meets with hundreds and hundreds of these prominent evangelical pastors from around the country, and he basically promises them, he says: Look, I will give you power. If you elect me, I will give you power, and I will defend Christianity in this country.

And so there’s sort of this transactional relationship where Trump gets the votes from these people, and they get not just the policies in return, but they get the protection in return. It’s almost as though Trump becomes, like, this mercenary who, on their behalf, is willing to fight the enemies out in the culture, in the government.


Audioholic Spartan
I also wonder how much of a role Sarah Huckabee had in marketing evangelism? She was the press secretary from 2017-19.

I think for most Republicans race was not the issue with Obama. With Trump and the Birtherism I think it was about his prejudice.


Audioholic Spartan
That's MAGA.....;)


Someone spent actual money to make their truck look like this. . . . . but it's not a cult.


Audioholic Jedi
Or a Koran. This huckster will attempt to sell anything.
And can quote from each equally well. I loved that interview where he couldn't name any preference from the bible, saying it was "personal". What a hypocrite this asshole is....


Audioholic Spartan
And can quote from each equally well. I loved that interview where he couldn't name any preference from the bible, saying it was "personal". What a hypocrite this asshole is....
The Trump evangelical is the most bizarre thing I've seen in politics in my lifetime. #2 of course would be MAGA in general.:)

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