

Seriously, I have no life.
If you could shut your mouth please when your munching on your cereal. The Trump Charms is really gross to look at all mashed together and bigly and grossly. Red, white, and blue is great and all, but it looks yucky in your mouth.;)
Paul Ryan only knows racism from a distance. Calling it 'textbook' probably did come from reading about it because I seriously doubt he has seen it in action, aside from the news.

I would like to see how he would act/react if a racist act happened close to him. I'm not sure he would stand up for someone but he does like to talk about it.


Audioholic Samurai
It's ironic that Trump sells himself as a hero of the oppressed who will "drain the swamp" (whatever that means), when he flip flops regularly when it benefits billionaire campaign donors.

>>>In 2020, the Trump-linked billionaire with a stake in TikTok’s fate was Larry Ellison, co-founder of software company Oracle and the host of a lavish fundraiser for Trump’s reelection effort in February 2020. Oracle CEO Safra Catz also donated $125,000 to the Trump Victory committee later that year. Under tremendous pressure from the Trump administration — and after Trump’s efforts to ban the app or force a sale fizzled out — TikTok ultimately tapped Oracle to serve as its primary cloud provider in the United States.

Today that billionaire is Jeffrey Yass, a major donor to the conservative Club for Growth as the group cozies up to Trump ahead of his 2024 presidential campaign. Yass holds a 15 percent stake in TikTok’s Chinese parent company ByteDance, and Club for Growth has tapped former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway to push back on Washington’s plan to restrict the app.<<<


A few republicans unexpectedly grew teeny tiny little balls and went against Trump on the issue.

>>>House Republicans appeared to buck Trump’s pressure on Wednesday, with most voting in favor of a bill that would force ByteDance to sell TikTok or face a ban . . ."

Trump's "art of the deal" consists of him selling out to the highest bidder.


Audioholic Spartan
Paul Ryan only knows racism from a distance. Calling it 'textbook' probably did come from reading about it because I seriously doubt he has seen it in action, aside from the news.

I would like to see how he would act/react if a racist act happened close to him. I'm not sure he would stand up for someone but he does like to talk about it.
You can always see it with your own eyes. Ryan actually was probably the best of the bunch IMO: he said he thinks Trump's remark was "textbook racism," but also acknowledges he thought Trump's policy was better than Clinton's. He says this in front of black people standing behind him, which I think gives his point weight.

>>>Trump’s surrogates fired back at Ryan, taking to heart the media mogul’s directive to attack opponents as racist.

“Speaker Ryan has apparently switched positions and is now supporting identity politics, which is racist. I mean, I am astonished, astonished,” Trump surrogate Jeffery Lord said on CNN. “I am accusing anybody, anybody, who believes in identity politics, which he apparently now does, of playing the race card. The Republican establishment is playing this. Senator McConnell is playing this. These people have run and hid and borrowed the Democratic agenda of playing the race card.”

Trump has come under fire for repeatedly attacking Gonzalo Curiel, the Indiana-born judge presiding over a case against Trump University. Trump has questioned Curiel’s impartiality because of his Mexican heritage.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) also slammed Trump’s remarks and called on the presumptive nominee, yet again, to start acting like a general election candidate.

“We are all encouraging Donald Trump to quit the outrageous comments, to concentrate on unifying the party and talk about the issues that the American people are concerned about,” McConnell said on Fox Business Network. “He needs to change and go in a different direction if he’s going to win in November.”

Ryan, less than a day after his Trump endorsement last week, told a Wisconsin radio show Friday that Trump’s comments were “out of left field” and a line of thinking he completely disagrees with.

“And so, he clearly says and does things I don’t agree with, and I’ve had to speak up from time to time when that has occurred, and I’ll continue to do that if it’s necessary. I hope it’s not,” Ryan said on the show.<<<


Audioholic Spartan
Solitary in prison when no one is around to listen. Like a tree falling in the forest. :D
Unfortunately, with our current Supreme Court Trump will never actually spend any time in prison. Looks like he is the favorite to win in 2024. Hell, Justice Thomas' wife actually attended the Trump 2020 stop the steal rally. The best we can hope for is for the civil trials to bleed him dry of $$ but his rabid base will bail him out anyway. I'm glad I'm old because I don't want to live in a Christian Nationalist country even though as an older white guy it could possibly benefit me.


And a threat to democracy and security in the world. Putin and ilk like him are salivating at the prospect of him yet again becoming US President.

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Gonna be honest I think your position borders on hyperbole. If he's reelected it will suck. The 'sky is falling' routine is getting a bit old. Presidency is only 4 years.


Seriously, I have no life.
Unfortunately, with our current Supreme Court Trump will never actually spend any time in prison. Looks like he is the favorite to win in 2024. Hell, Justice Thomas' wife actually attended the Trump 2020 stop the steal rally. The best we can hope for is for the civil trials to bleed him dry of $$ but his rabid base will bail him out anyway. I'm glad I'm old because I don't want to live in a Christian Nationalist country even though as an older white guy it could possibly benefit me.
Scary times we live in. I am saddened for my grandsons future.

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