You know, last year I listened to these at a Best Buy. They were in one of those rooms with a lot of other tower speakers, all lined up. The sales guy is able to immediately switch between the different models. I had him go between the D17's, KEF R7's, and the Martin Logan XT F100's. I'm not sure why, but I ruled out the D17's immediately, as they just didn't sound like much of anything to me. Maybe they needed to be turned up, as the ML's are pretty sensitive. The KEF's sounded accurate and decent, but a bit anemic, compared to the F100's. My gosh, those F100's can crank out the music.
But at these prices, I'm tempted to try out a pair and see what my Krell amp can get out of them.

At least, they can be returned if they don't one's boat.