
Full Audioholic
No. It was me. It is not libs giving you pushback. It is people with common sense and logic.
Are you responding to a question? The question I did ask you. Of the 91 indictments how many will be convicted? What does your "common sense" say?


Full Audioholic
Don't spew your religious proverbs when you support and make excuses for the most disgusting human ever to be president.
I support the Constitution and the rule of law. God will judge me, God will judge you.
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Audioholic Spartan
One proud boy described they felt they were Trump's Army after his stand back, and stand by comment. I don't think there's enough there on incitement, but i think it's funny how from 2016-20 there was a rise in the alt-right. It was reported early on David Duke showed up at a Trump rally. Honestly Trump probably didn't know, but his hate speak was attractive to these nefarious groups. Charlottesville was the one early on where he said, 'there's good people on both sides'. I felt it was Trump’s hate and lack of conviction in denouncing the alt-right that was what allowed the problem to persist.


Audioholic Ninja
99 problems but Melania isn't one... yet. :eek:

Divorce would be the best thing she could ever do. " I like the comment from her " Mrs. Trump urged the judges overseeing her husband’s multiple trials to delay them until after any divorce proceedings are concluded. “I think that be best,” she said. "

Only one person could divorce him, bingo did we just read a real front page story. OF course its odd she was speaking hypothetically but boy its kinda a pointed statement.


Audioholic Jedi
did you listen to all 62 mins of the phone call? He said close to 5000 dead votes. And he repeated it more than onve. What other details did you miss?
He's talking about what turned out to be true rather than the numbers drumphy and his pals draged out of their traitorious assholes.


Full Audioholic
I assume exeryone in this room listened to this phone call. Can anyone tell me what in this phone call is illegal?



Full Audioholic
He's talking about what turned out to be true rather than the numbers drumphy and his pals draged out of their traitorious assholes.
One of the Trump lawyers said he could easily provide proof that their were more than two. Trump is using the video evidence, the eye witness testimony, and the inaccurate votor rolls, suggesting Raffensberg look further into the fraud. Another Trump lawyer suggested that Raffensberg was not providing team Trump with the final reports. Then raffensberg says by law he doesn't have to provide team Trump with some documents. None of it matters today, but fat fanni is using this phone call in her indictment. So what was illegal?


Audioholic Jedi
One of the Trump lawyers said he could easily provide proof that their were more than two. Trump is using the video evidence, the eye witness testimony, and the inaccurate votor rolls, suggesting Raffensberg look further into the fraud. Another Trump lawyer suggested that Raffensberg was not providing team Trump with the final reports. Then raffensberg says by law he doesn't have to provide team Trump with some documents. None of it matters today, but fat fanni is using this phone call in her indictment. So what was illegal?
All that turned out to be more bullshit....per republican officials in Georgia. Maybe the fake news you read didn't mention all that....

ps Keep in mind in that all of the challenges drumphy filed in various states, no actual proof was ever presented and why almost all were tossed. Some lawyers faced disciplinary action, including disbarment, for presenting the frivolous lawsuits....


Full Audioholic
All that turned out to be more bullshit....per republican officials in Georgia. Maybe the fake news you read didn't mention all that....

ps Keep in mind in that all of the challenges drumphy filed in various states, no actual proof was ever presented and why almost all were tossed. Some lawyers faced disciplinary action, including disbarment, for presenting the frivolous lawsuits....
Yes I understand that you say it was all bull poop. I'm very skeptical. I live in crook county. Election fraud been going on here since before I was born. Frivolous law suits.....interesting.....91 indictments.....?


Full Audioholic
Raffensberg also mentions an independant election investigation from GBI. This GBI:

Why would you send me the same phone call from 60 mins? I listened to the whole thing. I don't need a commentator making assumtions for me.


Audioholic Jedi
Yes I understand that you say it was all bull poop. I'm very skeptical. I live in crook county. Election fraud been going on here since before I was born. Frivolous law suits.....interesting.....91 indictments.....?
Drumphy is a prolific liar. You can be skeptical all you want. By the time of the "perfect" phone call how on earth could drumphy have managed to gather such specific information? He tried a bunch of clumsy stuff, including the allegations and hate speech directed at election workers (and drumphy's analysis of the video was debunked long ago).

Biggest question is why would you believe a champion lying sack of sh*t like drumphy? He's been at this much of his life (I've followed him since the 80s).


Audioholic Jedi
Why would you send me the same phone call from 60 mins? I listened to the whole thing. I don't need a commentator making assumtions for me.
I didn't send it to you, I posted a link to it before you did. Why are you posting a youtube video titled about the Michigan thing when GBI is Georgia Bureau of Investigation? You're quoting your own post, dumbass.


Full Audioholic
I didn't send it to you, I posted a link to it before you did. Why are you posting a youtube video titled about the Michigan thing when GBI is Georgia Bureau of Investigation? You're quoting your own post, dumbass.
I didn't hear anyone say Geogia bureau of investigation. Not saying this isn't what he meant. I heard GBI. Did I miss something? If so can you give me a time stamp.

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