Bookshelf Speaker Recommendations



Hi everyone, I've been out of the A/V market for a while. I started out in the mid to late 90s with my first dive into A/V. The first dolby digital receivers were being offered to the consumer for a decent price so I took the dive. I ended up with a Yamaha RX-V995 receiver and some Definitive speakers. As time went on, I got married, and flat TVs were becoming the norm. My wife decided she didn't like the bulky floor standing/bookshelf setup I had so I decided to get something a little more esthetically pleasing. I ended up getting some Paradigm Cinema 330s for the center/left/right and the Cinema 90s as the rears. Fast forward to today, I have now been divorced for a little over 2 years. I had just been doing the bluetooth speaker thing, but decided I want to set up a decent bookshelf system.

Anyway, sorry for my life I ended up picking up some used Paradigm Studio 20 v3 speakers...which have very good reviews over the years, but are a little older than I had realized. I still had my subwoofer from my previous theater system, which is a Acoustech PL-200 12", so I paired that with the speakers for a 2.1 system. Then on the recommendation of some audiophile guys, and the many positive reviews I saw, I ended up getting a Cambridge CXA61 Integrated Stereo Amplifier, which I will agree with the reviews, it's an amazing stereo amp.

All this being said I can't help but question if there might be a better option out there for bookshelf speakers. The Paradigm Studio 20 v3's sound great with the Cambridge Stereo Amp, but the age of the speakers...which is around 20-25 years old...have me wondering what else might be out there. I'm looking to spend around $1k or a little less, for a pair of bookshelf speakers, but after looking around online, I realized there are so many options from throughout the years.

So here I am looking for recommendation on bookshelf speakers in the $1k or less range. They can be the latest speakers that are out, or used is fine as well. I'm just really looking to get the best bang for the buck. I know there is not one speaker that is for everyone and sound reproductions is very subjective, but just trying to find some sort of baseline of what are considered some of the better bookshelf speakers out there. What does everyone recommend? Or are the Paradigm Studio 20 V3 speakers I have good enough? Or Maybe I'm overthinking things. Any recommendations would be appreciated.



p.s. Oh and as far as what music I listen too...well I have a pretty broad range of genres. Not really into classical or jazz, but anywhere from oldies(50s/60s), classic rock/pop/r&b, classic/modern country, hard rock, metal, new wave, prog rock, maybe a little older rap, and so on...


Audioholic Jedi
Studio 20s are very good and if you are happy with them, no real reason to change. That said, since I've used 20s and 40s in my setup, there are better speakers out there. You might need to up the budget a bit to get an appreciable improvement though. $1k has good speakers, but about $600-700 more gets you into a new realm.

Philharmonic once again offers a smaller bookshelf that looks to be under $1k, but they are so new I am not sure who has heard them or if we'll be getting a review soon. I have the older Philharmonitors and have not felt a need to upgrade in a long time.

Ascend offers the Sierra 1 under your budget and it likely will outperform the Studio 20, however you really want that RAAL tweeter on the Sierra 2.


Thanks for the in info j_garcia. I'm definitely going to look into the brands you suggested. Never know I might be able to up the budget a little to get to a "new realm" and also not have to worry about updating for quite some time.

Thanks again!


Audioholic Jedi
Hard to audition internet direct speakers like the Philharmonics and Ascends, but you really can't go wrong with either of those IMO (I have several sets of Ascends and am sorely tempted by the latest BMR Towers from Philharmonic). Not the most current, but you might like to read these articles for some ideas, too.

Or just look thru bookshelf reviews in general


lovinthehd...thank's for providing the links and info. Going to have to to start reading up and see if I can make up my!

Appreciate it!



Audioholic Jedi
lovinthehd...thank's for providing the links and info. Going to have to to start reading up and see if I can make up my!

Appreciate it!

Good luck, take your time. It's far more about your room and the speakers than the amp, tho.


Good luck, take your time. It's far more about your room and the speakers than the amp, tho.
Just as's a smaller room that I use as an office so it's around 12' x 15'. Look forward to researching with the info you all provided. I'll try to be patient...that's if my ocd doesn't take over. lol!


Audioholic General
I keep reading this Thread over and over with each new post, thinking someone will point you towards HSU's CCB-8s but no joy so far.

So here I am. I have 3 of these across the fronts in out Dolby Atmos set-up. For me, after almost 5 years of ownership, they are still fabulous. Every review I read, and I read every one I could find before purchasing and importing them into Canada, said they were outstanding. Some said they are performing well beyond double their cost!

Here's James Larson's Review of Audioholics. The woofer speaker cones are now black. The originals were yellow which caused me pause before purchase, but now I look at them as a badge of honor. If I as looking around at speakers anywhere near their price point ($389 USD each) I'd choose them.

I have listened to them as a stereo pair, both with and without dual Subs, and they are enjoyable in any configuration I tried.

James Larson's conclusion was: "The CCB-8 speakers are the kind of addition to an audio setup that makes you want to re-listen to your music collection to see how it sounds on this new gear. Their holographic imaging is the best I have heard in my own room to date. It is eerie how precisely sounds seem to emanate from specific locations over the soundstage. It is not just center imaging either, which I have heard lots of speakers do well (although few do this as well as the CCB-8s); it is over the entire soundstage which the CCB-8s stretch out as a large swath extending well outside their physical locations. "

I couldn't have said it better.

PS => The only downside is they are sold out until July according to Aron of Aron's Audio Corner who is looking to Test them with his Klippel's Nearfield Scanner!


Audioholic Jedi
I keep reading this Thread over and over with each new post, thinking someone will point you towards HSU's CCB-8s but no joy so far.

So here I am. I have 3 of these across the fronts in out Dolby Atmos set-up. For me, after almost 5 years of ownership, they are still fabulous. Every review I read, and I read every one I could find before purchasing and importing them into Canada, said they were outstanding. Some said they are performing well beyond double their cost!

Here's James Larson's Review of Audioholics. The woofer speaker cones are now black. The originals were yellow which caused me pause before purchase, but now I look at them as a badge of honor. If I as looking around at speakers anywhere near their price point ($389 USD each) I'd choose them.

I have listened to them as a stereo pair, both with and without dual Subs, and they are enjoyable in any configuration I tried.

James Larson's conclusion was: "The CCB-8 speakers are the kind of addition to an audio setup that makes you want to re-listen to your music collection to see how it sounds on this new gear. Their holographic imaging is the best I have heard in my own room to date. It is eerie how precisely sounds seem to emanate from specific locations over the soundstage. It is not just center imaging either, which I have heard lots of speakers do well (although few do this as well as the CCB-8s); it is over the entire soundstage which the CCB-8s stretch out as a large swath extending well outside their physical locations. "

I couldn't have said it better.

PS => The only downside is they are sold out until July according to Aron of Aron's Audio Corner who is looking to Test them with his Klippel's Nearfield Scanner!
Just waiting for you! For a sec there thought Erin had some competition....


I keep reading this Thread over and over with each new post, thinking someone will point you towards HSU's CCB-8s but no joy so far.

So here I am. I have 3 of these across the fronts in out Dolby Atmos set-up. For me, after almost 5 years of ownership, they are still fabulous. Every review I read, and I read every one I could find before purchasing and importing them into Canada, said they were outstanding. Some said they are performing well beyond double their cost!

Here's James Larson's Review of Audioholics. The woofer speaker cones are now black. The originals were yellow which caused me pause before purchase, but now I look at them as a badge of honor. If I as looking around at speakers anywhere near their price point ($389 USD each) I'd choose them.

I have listened to them as a stereo pair, both with and without dual Subs, and they are enjoyable in any configuration I tried.

James Larson's conclusion was: "The CCB-8 speakers are the kind of addition to an audio setup that makes you want to re-listen to your music collection to see how it sounds on this new gear. Their holographic imaging is the best I have heard in my own room to date. It is eerie how precisely sounds seem to emanate from specific locations over the soundstage. It is not just center imaging either, which I have heard lots of speakers do well (although few do this as well as the CCB-8s); it is over the entire soundstage which the CCB-8s stretch out as a large swath extending well outside their physical locations. "

I couldn't have said it better.

PS => The only downside is they are sold out until July according to Aron of Aron's Audio Corner who is looking to Test them with his Klippel's Nearfield Scanner!
Nice..had not seen these yet. Price is very reasonable as well. Plus having an 8" woofer is pretty cool, I could see how they can probably hold their own without a sub. I'll definitely have to check these out. Thanks for sharing!


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