Can PS Audio Make a Flagship Level Perfoming Loudspeaker?



Audioholic Intern
I'll tell you what i'll do with 28k.... Hmmm, i might just start building an extension to my house...a dedicated sonically splendid music room....add some sq.footage in the process and make the value of my house go up. You know what you should do? Buy yourself a fancy "anti-resonant" box with 20 coats of clear from the likes of BS Audio/Bhilharmonic/Bilson Audio, etc for 28k and plop it down in a shite room (acoustically) like the rest of the audiophools. Like a good li'l audiophool, you'll fix it all up with Dirac indeed, lol. And then, do the audiophool wobble dance/tap your toes/toe dance, etc to that glowing anti-resonant 20 clear coat box with drivers from a 3rd party.
Hey are you always like this or just got up on the wrong side of the bed? You must be "loved" by neighbor, co-worker and friends. Here is a suggestion when you have the 28k to build the splendid music room do not go out and spare us from your presence. You are not good in trolling.


Thanks for the review, I'd respond to the clown with the "what I would do with $28k remark but one should never get in a fight with a pig, you'll both get dirty but the pig will enjoy it.

I am reminded of the old saying, better to not post like that and be thought a fool, than to post and remove all doubt.

I am looking at a PS Audio-based system as we speak and searched for some comments/reviews on the Aspen speakers. Nice effort on your part.

I make it to Colorado a couple of times each year and I'll probably see if I can make a visit to hear them. 230 lbs is a lot to move around for a trial. Thanks again.


Audioholic Ninja
Numerous coats of clear are used typically with lacquer. I have 10 coats on my Bagby Continuums, 7 so far on my Carmody Speedsters. You have to let it cure for a few weeks before cut and polish. It gasses off over that time as well, otherwise, customers would likely be turned off by lacquer fumes from their new speakers, and a container full of them would be a fire hazard.

That said, I like clear lacquer better than LPU. I also like air cured lacquer over pre-cat. IMO, nitro lacquer and French polish are some of the nicest wood finishes, minus the nasties such as isocyanates included with most LPU finishes.


Senior Audioholic
FWIW, a review was published today in Absolute Sound, by Anthony Cordesman. It's a totally subjective review, so I guess take it with a grain of salt.



Audioholic Jedi
FWIW, a review was published today in Absolute Sound, by Anthony Cordesman. It's a totally subjective review, so I guess take it with a grain of salt.

But what cables and power cords? What pre-amp, amp and dac? It all makes a difference! Even the de-magnetized vinyls!

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