I’ll try to be quick with this. I still have a Yamaha rx Z1 that I never upgraded from because it sounds just so good to me that I just stuck with it. I just recently got into SACD and have a bunch of multi channel discs. Since the Yamaha has no HDMI I decided to go the 5.1 analog out route and found a used oppo BDP-93 blu ray player that had what I need. So anyway, I hook everything up and select 6 channel input on the Yamaha and there is absolutely no sound whatsoever coming from the center channel. I went into the oppo menu and saw center was turned off so I turned it on but still no sound, tried different cables you name it. It’s when 6
Channel input is selected that this happens, center works fine on all the other settings, anybody have any idea of what to try here. Im assuming I’m just overlooking something here I just don’t know what. I appreciate everyone’s time and thanks in advance.