@Trebdp83 @j_garcia @AcuDefTechGuy @-Jim-
So I'm definitely over the idea that an overly large TV could dominate the room; that was just a weird hang-up I had, and now that I see the outline of an 85" TV on the actual wall, I don't think it would be problem.
@afterlife2 Would love to setup an acoustically transparent screen, but unfortunately Mrs TheRealOC is set on the TV option
I wouldn't be against moving the sofa closer to the TV either; the reason the sofa is right up against the wall is because this
TV Size to Distance Calculator recommended sitting 9.1 feet (2.77 metres) away from a 65" TV, and in this room, that's almost as far away from the TV as it's possible to sit.
Interested in how far everyone thinks the sofa should be moved forward, and whether this would affect the decision on whether or not to have rear surrounds?
@j_garcia @AcuDefTechGuy Also interested in whether going with a 5.1.2 or a 5.1.4 is compatible with
@-Jim- 's suggestion of five bed level speakers? Are Atmos speakers normally considered "bed level"? Currently, the two Atmos speakers are positioned halfway along the length of the room - If I added a second pair of Atmos speakers, would the front Atmos pair be positioned 1/4 way along the length, and the back pair 3/4 of the way along?