I have been hearing that amplification has become cheap to buy. How so? Every time I see what should be an adequate performing amplifier, turns out that it's only 50wpc into 8 ohms. They now use the 4 ohm rating as the lead spec. When I was coming up, it was pretty easy to distinguish between home audio and car. Home was predominantly 8-ohm, and car was 4.
Thankfully I am only 2 channel and amplification for subs. I am not used to so many generic brands getting to charge top $ for what should cost much less to produce, ship, and repair/replace than older technology, especially with regard to class D. The industrial revolution was supposed to make people's lives easier, the tech age easier yet, but still I have had to work like a blue collar dog to keep up, and I am a minimalist consumer pretty much across the board. None of these advances in technology moving forward has really allowed me to keep any more of my money.
This is my Icepower module kit amp. It cost me $300 all-in, but I had to source and assemble it myself. I don't expect that in the case of two-channel, there is much more to other comparable class D amps, regardless how differently the components are implemented. Yet I see prices of $1000 and up on class D amps, with albeit larger, yet lonelier chassis inside.
My 100wpc market would likely be around the Schiit Vidar, and the Yamaha s801, as what should be an upgrade in SQ, but I have not followed any actual 3rd party tests on the Icepower 200ASC kit that I own. Sounds pretty darn good to me, or should I say, my speakers sound like they should when using it. Still, the Schiit and the Yammy would be about the edge of what I would call "affordable" power come 2022. Otherwise, I reckon I'll just be 5-10-20 years behind everyone else, as I keep buying the used things other ppl throw away instead.
I also realize that I may have been lazy with knowing all the actual bargains that may exist now, but everything I seem to be interested in is pretty costly for what you get, and if power was actually cheap, 100wpc into 8 ohms would be the baseline for modern power and proudly stated so, if power were indeed a bargain now.