If you believe abortion is the taking of a human life….no I don’t think you can say the government should stay out of it.
Actually I do the government kills people everyday depending on whether they choose to fight what war or not to fight what war what policies they choose to enforce or not
People kill each other every day in so many different ways and if the government decides then its somehow okay how is this any different?
I do believe the moment conception starts that's a human being in there. I don't believe in trying to sugar coat that
But if that mother is willing to face whatever repercussions she's willing to take for taking that life that's between her and whatever she believes in.
As far as people helping they don't. They usually give a little but no where near enough usually then it always goes back to that's the consequences of her action type of argument
Well here she is willing to take the ultimate responsibility for her actions and just because people disagree your going to restrict her from making that choice?
To me that makes absolutely no logical sense