I just looked for his net worth- the one link I checked shows he's worth $150M, but an article I passed over showed that he lost over $650M in three years.
He was married to her for all 3 of those years. I imagine her and her friends' $160,000 a month wine bill helped contribute to that.
I mentioned earlier that there are a lot of memes and reactions out there. Out of deference and respect for the subject matter I haven't been posting any of the mean stuff, even if I feel like she deserves it. Domestic and sexual assault and violence are some really serious serious crimes and I'm not sure how I feel about people joking about it with mocking images and video clips of her testimony.
On one hand it's serious, and she looks upset as she testifies to some really bad stuff, but on the other hand some of it is so obvious, obnoxious and fake that it really is deserving of ridicule.
Watch this 40 second clip of her literally holding a pose with a kleenex on the stand as she glances at her pr team to make sure they got the shot.
Stuff like that is quick and might be missed by the jury, but it's just a teeny sampling of the avalanche of little things she does like that, and the internet is poring over every second of her testimony. They're putting together example after example of her changing her story and lying on the stand, boldly, to everyone's face.