The reason I hate cable: Most of their content sucks.
The reason I hate streaming: Most of their content sucks.
We have ALWAYS been in a subscription model since the early days of cable TV. Want cable? That'll be $XX.XX Want HBO? That's extra. Want Showtime? That's extra.
Want Disney+? THAT'S EXTRA!
Want Netflix? THAT'S EXTRA!
How is this any different than what we have been doing for the last forty years? Yes, it is 'streaming' and 'on-demand' these days. But, cable has had the DVR for years now. I rarely watch live anymore, and if I do, I often jump between shows so I can rewind and skip commercials.
We still have cable. I can't see getting rid of it. Live sports is a big reason, but the variety and spontaneity of having a movie I haven't seen in a while come up, or just throwing on an old favorite is pretty nice.
Likewise, those who couldn't seen that Netflix was in trouble from day one was pretty short sighted. Short term, Netflix put themselves out in front because they setup a model that nobody else could touch. Short term. Long term, it was inevitable (IMO) that everyone would copy their model. TV stations already were creating original content, so why would they give it to Netflix instead of just releasing it to their customers directly? Cut out the middleman? Then, everyone else follows suit. Suddenly, ABC, NBC, CBS, ESPN, Discovery, Home & Garden, TFN (The Flamingo Network), TNT, etc. all have their own direct to you streaming service for $5, 10, 20, or more every single month.
Then, as we always do... we complain. We end up paying just as much as we did for cable, but now we don't care about, or have already watched, 99% of the content on that paid service.
This is all such a funny concept. So inevitable. So truly unsolvable. The solution would be to make all content free, make it all streaming on demand, and make it all ad supported... Just like we had fifty+ years ago (when we only had 4 channels). Which, of course, would suck.
There really isn't a good solution. Pay for every individual show? No, that would likely cost more than what most are paying right now, and cut down on variety. They aren't going to hook me on a new show when I won't pay a dollar to just 'try it out'.
Netflix gets my money as does Verizon every month. Not sure I am willing to spend one cent beyond that at this point.
My kids NEVER watch TV. They are happy with their YouTube stuff and video games. Will be interesting to see what happens when this generation gets into their forties.