I was on the Yamaha website. *shrugs.
Hmmm. I just looked up "blasting" and there is no specific SPL associated with that.
Focal Chora 806 is rated at 89dB Sensitivity, Nominal 8 ohm load with a 4.6 ohm minima.
16w @1meter will put you over 100dB.
My experience "blasting" music might have me hitting ~80dB before it gets uncomfortable. Mind, I'm a trained musician and know well what LOUD is, as well as pain.
Unless you are trying to drive a block party with that set up... (You shouldn't try, really)... you will most likely be fine.
Without knowing more about your listening habits, and the room you are in, how far to your LP, etc... My advice doesn't change.
If it were to change, I would tell you to find a real Power Amp that will give you ~120-150w per channel.