

Audioholic Spartan
This new Omicron variant is so transmissible. My sister's immediate family has some of her grandkids and parents testing positive even though they were as vaccinated as they could be. A tough way to spend the Holidays. :( :( :(


Audioholic Field Marshall
This new Omicron variant is so transmissible. My sister's immediate family has some of her grandkids and parents testing positive even though they were as vaccinated as they could be. A tough way to spend the Holidays. :( :( :(
The important thing is it'll keep them out of the hospital. We'll know in a couple weeks how the combination of omicron+christmas pans out.


Audioholic Samurai
Well, that escalated quickly:

>>>The Omicron Covid-19 variant now accounts for over 73% of new coronavirus cases in the US, according to estimates posted Monday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The CDC just revised the December 18 estimate from 73% down to 22.5%. The December 25 estimate is 58.6%.

>>>The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention significantly revised its model of the breakdown of Covid-19 variants on Tuesday, estimating the Omicron strain accounted for about 58.6 percent of U.S. cases as of Dec. 25.

The public health agency’s previous estimate that the rapidly spreading variant accounted for 73.2 percent of cases nationwide on Dec. 18 is now revised down to 22.5 percent — a significant drop that falls outside the agency's earlier 95 percent prediction interval, or likely range where future analysis will fall, of 34 to 94.9 percent of all cases.<<<



Audioholic Spartan
The important thing is it'll keep them out of the hospital. We'll know in a couple weeks how the combination of omicron+christmas pans out.
So far only 3 of her grandkids and her son have tested positive. All but the young kids have at least 2 doses of the vaccine. So, we will wait and see. And you are correct we will see how these Holidays pan out.


Audioholic General
Same answer as before but you persist peddling anti vaxxer agenda.

As @GO-NAD! replied to you earlier in this thread about the same person is spot on I link it here again:

Single most qualified' mRNA expert speaks about vaccine risks after he says YouTube banned his video

Dr. Malone is the inventor of mRNA technology. BTW, he has reportedly been banned by Twitter for spreading misinformation about the experimental gene therapy (so-called Vaccine).


Single most qualified' mRNA expert speaks about vaccine risks after he says YouTube banned his video

Dr. Malone is the inventor of mRNA technology. BTW, he has reportedly been banned by Twitter for spreading misinformation about the experimental gene therapy (so-called Vaccine).
Which is kind of scary when you thing about it. Being banned because you have a different narrative than the government and the media. Aaron Rogers made the comment during an interview, that if you can't question the science, then it's propaganda. I know he's just a football player, but he's not wrong.

And the CDc just stated that PCR tests aren't going to be used after the first of the year because the test cannot distinguish between the flu and covid, and you still may test positive up to 45 days after the infection has passed.


Audioholic Samurai
Single most qualified' mRNA expert speaks about vaccine risks after he says YouTube banned his video

Dr. Malone is the inventor of mRNA technology. BTW, he has reportedly been banned by Twitter for spreading misinformation about the experimental gene therapy (so-called Vaccine).

Man, you really love picking out those 0.1%'ers of Doctor's who agree with your viewpoint, don't you?

Anyway, so his sample size (n) is 100? 100 people in nursing homes who died after getting covid vaccines. That's already a very skewed distribution considering the percentage of people who die in nursing homes yearly.

The article also says that Youtube removed his video because of content related to using Ivermectin to treat Covid. So, he's losing credibility right there.

Here's an article about Malone:


He apparently thinks vaccinations make Covid worse, which flys in the face of ALL the data. So, basically, this guy gets less and less credible the more I look into him.
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Audioholic Samurai
Which is kind of scary when you thing about it. Being banned because you have a different narrative than the government and the media. Aaron Rogers made the comment during an interview, that if you can't question the science, then it's propaganda. I know he's just a football player, but he's not wrong.
The article doesn't state he was banned, just that certain content containing misinformation was removed.

You can absolutely question science. That's the whole point of science, question it, get more data, analyze it, revise your knowledge base. Propaganda is the sh!t that Auditor tries to spread. It doesn't contain the whole story, and the "experts" he looks at cherry pick their data to support their own narrative.


Seriously, I have no life.
Single most qualified' mRNA expert speaks about vaccine risks after he says YouTube banned his video

Dr. Malone is the inventor of mRNA technology. BTW, he has reportedly been banned by Twitter for spreading misinformation about the experimental gene therapy (so-called Vaccine).
He is not the inventor of mRNA technology. He did some work on the approach.

He has promoted hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Both of these have shown no benefit in multiple studies and are in fact harmful

His claims about the side effects of mRNA vaccines are false. There have been numerous studies, and these vaccines are extremely safe, probably the safest vaccines ever introduced. They are NOT experimental, and have full FDA approval and are similarly approved in multiple jurisdictions. They likely have already saved millions of lives worldwide.

YouTube are correct to ban his false information. He has been on Fox news, who have blood on their hands promoting misinformation that has now cost thousands of lives.

Now you are on here pedalling false information, and need a strong warning from moderators. We will not tolerate this nonsense.


Audioholic Spartan
Man, you really love picking out those 0.1%'ers of Doctor's who agree with your viewpoint, don't you?

Anyway, so his sample size (n) is 100? 100 people in nursing homes who died after getting covid vaccines. That's already a very skewed distribution considering the percentage of people who die in nursing homes yearly.

The article also says that Youtube removed his video because of content related to using Ivermectin to treat Covid. So, he's losing credibility right there.

Here's an article about Malone:


He apparently thinks vaccinations make Covid worse, which flys in the face of ALL the data. So, basically, this guy gets less and less credible the more I look into him.
The Norwegian study appears to be this one:



Audioholic Samurai
The Norwegian study appears to be this one:

And this is exactly my point: "As mortality in nursing homes is high in general, it was expected that some patients would die shortly after receiving the vaccine – as they would have done in any case." Auditor is again cherry picking his information from someone who is already cherry picking the data they look at.


The article doesn't state he was banned, just that certain content containing misinformation was removed.

You can absolutely question science. That's the whole point of science, question it, get more data, analyze it, revise your knowledge base. Propaganda is the sh!t that Auditor tries to spread. It doesn't contain the whole story, and the "experts" he looks at cherry pick their data to support their own narrative.
He was banned, at least from Twitter. I'm not gonna quote all your articles, but there are a few scientists who are saying push pause on a fourth dose as it may strip away some of the bodies natural ability to fight covid. Some only want to hear one story, when there is obviously more to tell out there.


Audioholic Spartan
And this is exactly my point: "As mortality in nursing homes is high in general, it was expected that some patients would die shortly after receiving the vaccine – as they would have done in any case." Auditor is again cherry picking his information from someone who is already cherry picking the data they look at.
Anything Fox News employee Tucker Carlson says should be viewed with deep scepticism of it's veracity, which a quick Google of Auditor55 linked yahoo article shows: >>>"A Norwegian study conducted of 100 nursing home residents who died after receiving Pfizer's corona shots. They found that at least 10 of those deaths were likely caused by the vaccine. 10%," Carlson said. "<<< My link was the second hit.


Seriously, I have no life.
He was banned, at least from Twitter. I'm not gonna quote all your articles, but there are a few scientists who are saying push pause on a fourth dose as it may strip away some of the bodies natural ability to fight covid. Some only want to hear one story, when there is obviously more to tell out there.
We are not talking amp topology here. Let's get down to basics. One thing everybody agrees on is that catching Covid-19 in any of its iterations is NOT safe, in fact it is risky, that is undeniable.

The vast majority of deaths, and patients on ventilators are unvaccinated. People are not dying or ending up in the ICU on ventilators, in anything but miniscule numbers from being vaccinated. Those very few that have have, had mDNA vaccines.

Now you make a rational choice. This is not rocket science, but simple deduction. So being vaccinated is a rational choice, and refusing it is irrational and dangerous behaviour. There is absolutely no rational argument that can deny that logic. This is not complicated. The only other story to tell has to be based on spurious and false logic, that is all to often lethal and life changing. In the worst public health crisis in over a hundred years, you do not want people spreading false idiotic narratives.
In fact this public health crisis is now worse than the 1918 pandemic.

Nobody thinks the science on fourth doses is settled. We need to see what happens with the three doses. However yearly immunization being required, is far more likely than not.

This virus is unstable, and so I think there is evolving consensus that a polyvalent vaccine, will be required for life to truly return to normal.


Audioholic Warlord
We’ve all witnessed people who claim their right to choose or to refuse their own medical care for infectious viral diseases. They believe their rights over-ride any responsibility to public health. There are others who take this a step further. They publicly call for others to refuse vaccination.

Is this similar to motorcycle riders who refuse to wear a helmet? Not really. Obviously, the rider who won’t wear a helmet puts himself in danger. It’s also not a stretch to argue that medical care costs would be greater for everyone, if enough motorcycle riders wrecked while helmet-less.

Is vaccine refusal similar to shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater? This would endanger more people than a helmet-less motorcycle rider. But endangering a theater full of people still doesn’t come close to calling for others to refuse vaccination during a pandemic. Do individuals also have the right to spread a highly infectious disease? I say, the danger they create is much greater than shouting ‘fire’ in a theater.

If these analogies, a helmet-less motorcycle rider or shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater, don’t quite fit, what does?

If your house was burning, and you refused access to the fire department, you might endanger only yourself as well as your property. If you lived in a town or city, your burning house would certainly be a hazard to other neighboring houses. If that fire spread to enough other houses, it could become a large fire, capable spreading beyond one neighborhood. This comes a lot closer to the danger from an unchecked pandemic. However, an unchecked viral pandemic spreads faster, and is a much greater danger, than any large city fire.

Let’s carry this analogy to an extreme. What if you threatened fire fighters with a gun, preventing them from fighting the fire, as it spread to other houses? I maintain that political efforts to prevent anti-pandemic measures, such as vaccination, wearing masks, or denying that the corona virus pandemic is real, is equivalent to threatening fire fighters as they do their job.

And this brings me to my final point. Cities, states, and the federal government do have the right to mandate vaccination or wearing masks to check a viral pandemic. This has been done in the past, is supported by local laws and court systems, and has been legally reviewed and supported three times by US Supreme Court decisions. Refusing vaccination, or advocating that others refuse vaccination during a public health crisis, is not a right that individuals have. It’s like setting a city-wide fire while threatening fire fighters with a gun.

@Auditor55 – You have posted known falsehoods about mRNA vaccines, repeatedly. Yet, you come back again and again. And now you've brought along a wingman, @Huey645 . Stop it, both of you. Moderators, take note.
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Seriously, I have no life.
He was banned, at least from Twitter. I'm not gonna quote all your articles, but there are a few scientists who are saying push pause on a fourth dose as it may strip away some of the bodies natural ability to fight covid. Some only want to hear one story, when there is obviously more to tell out there.
In that case they are demented scientists! All vaccines work through your immune system. If your immune system is defective, vaccines work suboptimally or not at all.

Next, we know that the individuals who have the highest protection, are ones who have had three doses of vaccine, and also have recovered from Covid-19.

So, as one could easily predict, vaccines are synergistic with the body's immune system.

It astounds me how much nonsense can be spouted by people who really should know better.
John Parks

John Parks

Audioholic Samurai
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Seriously, I have no life.
This is the video that supposedly got Dr. Malone banned from Twitter for posting it:
Here is a link to the PDF of the presentation if you don't want to sit through the 40 minute video (page 49 has citations):
There is no point on wasting a moment of time on this. All side effects from mRNA vaccines have been minor, the commonest being mild self limited pericarditis, mainly in young men. These vaccines have been monitored extensively, and of there was a serious problem, it would have been peer reviewed and reported in a major medical journal, like JAMA, Lancet, NEJM etc.

Now just stop pedalling this BS and nonsense. I can assure you if there was a serious problem, I would know and report it here immediately, just as I have promptly reported all significant developments since the start of this pandemic. I have done daily journal reviews since the start of the pandemic.

Now just stop your nonsense, and quote from reliable medical sources. If you want to inhabit your own alternative universe, then share it with your association of loonies and not here.


Audioholic Spartan
The safety of vaccines is questioned but all drugs which doctor prescribe are poisons, some of which cause a lot more problems than vaccines. Why are they still prescribing them instead of finding the cause for a disease ? The reason is that they are controlled by pharmaceutical companies across the globe. It's so easy to prescribe a pill instead of curing a disease by finding the real cause and using food as a natural approach with supplements if necessary for the people who have a vitamin, mineral deficiency etc.

The new functional medicine attempts to find the causes of illnesses. Most can be cured only by a change in diet and without the use of medicines. Unfortunately, there are only a few physicians who practice that approach to illness. The medical profession should look into what is possible with this new medicine and start to learn that our food is our main medicine. In the curriculum of the medical course, there is only a small chapter about nutrition, and I understand that it has not been updated for over a century. It's about time that doctors wake up and find out that there are numerous possibilities with good food, not the junk food which makes people sick.

We have the same problem in Canada. It is pretty hard to find physicians who practice such medicine, but I know two in the US who are respected in their profession, Dr. Sherry Anne Rogers, MD and Dr. Mark Hyman, MD. IMO, these two physicians are on the right track. It's really unfortunate that there are not enough people waking up by saying "Enough is enough!" Of course, large pharma industry lobbying is not helping matters.

I was followed by a cardiologist for atrial fibrillation. My last paroxysmal attack ocurred more than a year ago. I had been prescribed an anticoagulant to prevent a stroke occurrence. By reading on food and supplements which have anticoagulant properties, and following Dr. Rogers' recommendation in one of her books, I started taking cod liver oil and additional DHA supplements and I stopped taking the Apixaban I had been ingesting more than 2 months ago. Why didn't the cardiologist suggest that I take EPA and DHA supplements to prevent a stroke event instead of prescribing that anticoagulant? Maybe he knows about the anticoagulant properties of fish oil, or maybe he doesn't. But to me, he no longer deserves my confidence and he's going to be told next time I see him. I don't trust doctors but I know that we sometimes unfortunately need one. I don't have a family physician and when I am assigned one, I am going to make sure that he or she understands what I demand from a physician, if I haven't had the luck to meet a good doctor who practices functional medicine in the meantime.
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