Yes, in that case, I would think there is likely a cap in series in the crossover circuit for mid range. I highly doubt dc offset is the root cause in this case if his amp is performing normally otherwise. Given the volume setting so high, I think it is quite possible that the mid woofer just got cooked due to being driven at high level for a prolong period of time.
@jeeper , I think when
@ryanosaur asked about the trim level, you said "no boost" but I am not sure if your "boost" means the trim level setting Ryan was referring to, can you confirm that? "Trim level" generally refers to the level settings in the speaker menu, not boost via GEQ, or REQ or the boost set in the source level via the input menu. Also, when that happened, was Audyssey on, if yes, was DEQ on?
All these need to be factored in when trying to correlate volume setting (such as your -6) with the actual amp output level. Anything is possible, but I do think there is a greater chance that the speaker was over driven than it was damaged by dc. By the way one question to ask Emotiva is whether their amps have d.c. offset protection. Even AVRs have such protection.