Per Wiki the committee is compromised of 7-2 in favor of Democrats. The 2 Republican are Cheney and Kinzinger. I could very well be biased, but Pelosi turned down some of McCarthy's choices but am guessing in this particular instance he's offering up party loyalists vs seeking the truth. At first my thinking was prison sentences, but I was way off. Mo Brooks, who was at the rally before, said things like We shall do battle! That doesn't mean he had foreknowledge, but he is responsible on some level since the incident did happen. Therefore censure is possible. McCarthy doesn't want that because that means a loss of the party's power. Pelosi wants that advantage too, but she still has investigation proceedings on her side. Evidence like the riots occurring etc. They are also gonna have to investigate Lauren Boebert because apparently she told the rioters Pelosi's location. Trump is probably the most intelligent of the bunch. He likely knew it was possible, said he'd be there with them, and then wasn't. Trump didn't really use strong language during the rally. His recent "hang" Mike Pence makes me think it was possible. Again nothing there you can get him on.
It's sort of like Gosar. You're an elected official running anime on killing AOC. Your position is much different than a random youtuber. What did you expect, Shapiro!