Dune (2020) from Villeneuve



Audioholic Jedi
:) :) :) :)
And its time to re read the books. I bet the last time I read Dune was in the 80s...
I started re-reading the Foundation trilogy, and do plan on re-reading Dune after that.....I think it was likely the 90s the last time I read Dune? Maybe 80s.....


Audioholic Jedi

Think I'll watch at home then rewatch on Imax tonight after dinner (treating sis to movie & dinner for her bday).


Audioholic Jedi
Guess a lot of people are tuning in, HBO Max ain't working so hot....lots of stuttering.

ps After a while it got smooth for about two minutes then disconnected me "we" are having trouble connecting....maybe thats AWS since I use a Fire Stick? Restarting the device after a few failed attempts to "reconnect". Internet can be fun.

pps After much more stuttering and can't connect nonsense F*ck it, will just wait for the theater.
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Audioholic Slumlord
I guess I should warn folks, that the actual movie title is Dune: Part 1 (2021).
That part 1 is pretty crucial since the movie ending is akin to one of LotR movies, but the difference is unlike the latter, the additional parts for Dune weren't approved yet. Bare that in mind, that this Dune movie isn't really complete and that the story would be wrapped up in additional (again, not yet approved) movies.
I know it kinda sucks, but the movie stands fairly well by itself, and again, like I said it's the best (so far) big screen Dune adaption, just that the story is so vast, more than one movie is needed to tell it at a decent pace.


Audioholic Jedi
I guess I should warn folks, that the actual movie title is Dune: Part 1 (2021).
That part 1 is pretty crucial since the movie ending is akin to one of LotR movies, but the difference is unlike the latter, the additional parts for Dune weren't approved yet. Bare that in mind, that this Dune movie isn't really complete and that the story would be wrapped up in additional (again, not yet approved) movies.
I know it kinda sucks, but the movie stands fairly well by itself, and again, like I said it's the best (so far) big screen Dune adaption, just that the story is so vast, more than one movie is needed to tell it at a decent pace.
I doubt they'll have trouble getting part 2 made myself but ya never know....

ps do you know if any of the filming of part 2 has been done?


Audioholic Slumlord
I guess I should warn folks, that the actual movie title is Dune: Part 1 (2021).
That part 1 is pretty crucial since the movie ending is akin to one of LotR movies, but the difference is unlike the latter, the additional parts for Dune weren't approved yet. Bare that in mind, that this Dune movie isn't really complete and that the story would be wrapped up in additional (again, not yet approved) movies.
I know it kinda sucks, but the movie stands fairly well by itself, and again, like I said it's the best (so far) big screen Dune adaption, just that the story is so vast, more than one movie is needed to tell it at a decent pace.
Is it better than the three part mini series that was put on TV and then onto DVD?


Audioholic Jedi
Is it better than the three part mini series that was put on TV and then onto DVD?
So far gotta say this is the best production yet....(I got it to stay playing for a while now, altho still some stuttering, 2/3 in now)
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Loved part 1. Fortunately I didn't have any stuttering and thought it was well done.


Audioholic Slumlord
I doubt they'll have trouble getting part 2 made myself but ya never know....

ps do you know if any of the filming of part 2 has been done?
I agree.
Afaik they didn't film any part 2 parts yet since it wasn't studio approved yet (unlike LotR which was pre-approved from the get-go) - I guess blame the covid for extra caution.


Audioholic Spartan
Overrated. Some miscasting and lack of chemistry meant some relationships didn’t have the intended impact. A little too monochromatic and dialogue intelligibility wasn’t great at times. I’ll watch the next one but won’t lose my mind over it if it never materializes. Lynch’s at least had some camp appeal. I’ll probably never watch this one again. Didn’t have any issues playing it at all, though. Oh, and can somebody get Paul a f#%kin’ sandwich?!! That twink wouldn’t last an hour in Palm Springs.


Audioholic Samurai
Overrated. Some miscasting and lack of chemistry meant some relationships didn’t have the intended impact. A little too monochromatic and dialogue intelligibility wasn’t great at times. I’ll watch the next one but won’t lose my mind over it if it never materializes. Lynch’s at least had some camp appeal. I’ll probably never watch this one again. Didn’t have any issues playing it at all, though. Oh, and can somebody get Paul a f#%kin’ sandwich?!! That twink wouldn’t last an hour in Palm Springs.
I agree with alot of what you are saying. Ducan just had a little too much aquaman, but at least he gives the movie passion/heart. I was not a huge fan of Timothée Chalamet as Paul as I felt he was just too bland in the role. He is a solid actor, but this I thought was a miscast. I did not have issues understanding the dialoge, but what I paid for the Persona C, it better not be the case lol. Zendaya's scenes with Timothee lack any chemistry, tension etc, no matter how many times they forshadowed their meeting.

That may be a bit hypercritical, I enjoyed the move, but would rate it a B-. I did have the occasional stutters like 3-4 times while watching. I will also say that the audio track was a huge step up from WW1984. In this case I had to turn my volume down a bit from normal.

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