Installed and dialed in both PC2Ks
(at least 1st round)
Which is preferable, EQ Subs using MultiEQ app or using PEQ on SVS app?
Do not have REW to specfically target room node freqs.
ATT, only using MultiEQ and not any PEQ on SVS app.
MultiEQ had me set L&R Sub Volume to -26 and -27 dB respectively to get "in the green" before continuing with tone tests. That is about 50% of the -60 to 0 dB available volume.
When finished, MultiEQ set relative L&R sub volumes down -6.5 and -7.0 dB.
For comparison, Mains at -1.0 dB, Center at -3.0, Surrounds at +3.5 (nearer) & +5.0 (farther).
Will listen test in daylight to see if this is about right or if it is a bit too low.
So many options.
Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk