SVS big price increases!



Audioholic Spartan
I thought this thread was in the SteamVent, but not so to my little horror of delight! But I do find it redundant to yet again explain to you why I'm right :p

That said, whenever you play the "alien knows nothing" card I'm going to smack you down in all friendliness.
I'm not saying you know nothing in fact you are factually correct if they don't pass it it would be disastrous I'm saying I think they are doing what they always do up in Washington posturing for leverage

I enjoy your perspectives even if we don't always agree hearing an outsiders perspective can be very healthy and beneficial

But let's makes this fun shall we? You have a Zelle or Pay Pal account. I'm willing to bet you $25 let's keep it fun and friendly and I will publicly have to open up a thread on the Steam Vent saying and acknowledging to all that you know more then me on this

If they can't get the bills passed I think they will

But if I win you have to do the same

Damn....... I could really end up regretting this bet :p


Audioholic Spartan
That would be a violation of the Laws of Jante. You call yourself Swedish?:rolleyes:;)
I never ever, ever called myself Swedish in any shape or way, so I'm happy to inform you that I'm not Swedish. You can try back your claim of your outrageous insult of calling me "Swedish" but you'll fail miserably! The "Law of Jante", btw, is from a Danish author in the 30'ies picturing a fictitious small Danish town. Your white Evangelical "Christians" would fit that bill nicely ;)


Audioholic Spartan
Oh, I never pegged you for Swedish, you're too much of a d#$k. I assumed you were an arrogant transplant based on your generic answer to a question I asked in another conversation. Real Swedes know Jante is a code of conduct that applies to all of Scandinavia to this day. You caught a clean bus, so what? You're the guy nobody wants to sit next to while on it. No, I'm not white, a baby boomer or an Evangelical Christian. But, I give those guys credit for owning the orneriness with no pretense. I don't care if your an a#$whole, but don't think for a minute that I can't smell it. ;)


Audioholic Overlord
Well, this has not-so-quickly become a proper Steam Vent Thread. :rolleyes: In which case, I'm overdue for quietly whistling my way out the door. ;)

But before I go, it's important to say one last thing:
D@mnit SVS, you even made Daddy and Daddy fight again some more. I hate you SVS!



Audioholic Spartan
It's all good. @Trell is still a person of value with one of the cooler setups in the forums and SVS still sucks.:p
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
Well, this has not-so-quickly become a proper Steam Vent Thread. :rolleyes: In which case, I'm overdue for quietly whistling my way out the door. ;)

But before I go, it's important to say one last thing:
D@mnit SVS, you even made Daddy and Daddy fight again some more. I hate you SVS!

Daddy and daddy……..roflmfao
Fukkin SVS….


Audioholic Overlord
Daddy and daddy……..roflmfao
Fukkin SVS….
What's really surprising is that this thread hasn't been framed in lovely red bars yet, considering pretty much every post since near the end pg 8 ends with SVS being cussed, cursed, and blamed for the worlds problems....

Hmmm... Whoever came up with that shtick deserves a pat on the back. :p :D :D

Walking Whistling GIFs | Tenor


Audioholic Spartan
Ascend Acoustics Sierra ribbon towers! I stumbled across a pair of very heavily discounted Sierra 2 books on craigslist and was impressed enough to sell my Ultras and get the matching towers and center channel.

View attachment 50585

I got a new nearfield toy too...

View attachment 50586
Bro every time I see that sexy a$$ sub behind your couch

Damn bro I want to touch myself

Oh sh$t did I just write that? :eek:

God da$MN you fu#%^ing SVS look at what you made me do!!! :D


Audioholic Slumlord
Bro every time I see that sexy a$$ sub behind your couch

Damn bro I want to touch myself

Oh sh$t did I just write that? :eek:

God da$MN you fu#%^ing SVS look at what you made me do!!! :D
It's okay. I was touching myself as I uploaded the pic..



Audioholic Spartan
What's really surprising is that this thread hasn't been framed in lovely red bars yet, considering pretty much every post since near the end pg 8 ends with SVS being cussed, cursed, and blamed for the worlds problems....

Hmmm... Whoever came up with that shtick deserves a pat on the back. :p :D :D

Walking Whistling GIFs | Tenor
I think they understand we're not being serious just having fun we gotta let off this stuff in a positive way

I'd rather do it debating and joking and ribbing my friends here on audioholics a much healthier outlet then other choices

And now!!! back to our original programming!!!!

F!#$% you SVS!!!!! :D


Audioholic Overlord
Bro every time I see that sexy a$$ sub behind your couch

Damn bro I want to touch myself

Oh sh$t did I just write that? :eek:

God da$MN you fu#%^ing SVS look at what you made me do!!! :D
Here's a flashback for some of you.

And that was only from 1990!

SVS Sucks for making Danzilla such a Port-Perv which led me to dig up this trashy old pop cr@p. Fcukin' SVS!


Audioholic Samurai
Ascend Acoustics Sierra ribbon towers! I stumbled across a pair of very heavily discounted Sierra 2 books on craigslist and was impressed enough to sell my Ultras and get the matching towers and center channel.

View attachment 50585

I got a new nearfield toy too...

View attachment 50586
oh wow! That new little toy looks powerful. I bet it sounds and feels awesome.
Seems like you've been busy. How does it all sound together?


Audioholic Spartan
oh wow! That new little toy looks powerful. I bet it sounds and feels awesome.
Seems like you've been busy. How does it all sound together?
He said he stopped going to his massage therapist after he installed it :D


Audioholic Slumlord
oh wow! That new little toy looks powerful. I bet it sounds and feels awesome.
Seems like you've been busy. How does it all sound together?
Oh I love it! It's a passive sub, but yes it can handle some power. I currently have a 900 watt amp powering it now. It's rated to handle up to 2400 watts, but with 92 dB sensitivity 900 is more than enough for my usage. The Sierras are really nice too. I kinda miss the big, beautiful gloss black Ultras but I was really impressed with the RAAL ribbon tweets. They don't dig as deep as the Ultras did but that really isn't an issue with my subs. They have higher sensitivity tho, can handle a lot of power like the Ultras did and sound great doing it.

You know having heard your system and your implementation of a nearfield sub had a little bit to do with me pulling the trigger on it. I'd forgotten you had a sub and even when I did realize you were using one I had no idea it was right behind me, firing into the back of the chair until you pointed it out. The price was right too. It was a hell of a discount over new at $900 and the seller included the cables and amp too.


I haven’t read all all of the responses but part of the reason SVS may be increasing their prices before some other brands is that they turn inventory faster.

At some point as other companies replenish stock you might see similar price increases.

Let me be clear though: this is 100% speculation and is not presented as fact or even rumor.

Although these days on the Internet anyone can say any totally baseless thing and it becomes a rumor and then is presented as fact

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