Walmart was huge for decades before that Act in 2017- yes, they definitely benefited from it, but it was less than four years ago.
It's 21%, BTW.
I'm still pissed that corporations off-shored so many jobs over the decades- throwing employees under the bus in order to make a pile of money is one of my pet peeves. I want US corporations to be able to compete without other countries dumping their goods in the markets but there are many reasons they can't- even if the CEO pay was in line with the other employees, it wouldn't matter to the corporate bottom line unless the company isn't operating at a profit and at that point, the pay should reflect the performance- zero profit=no pay for the top execs and I don't mean zero profit through accounting.
That said, low prices for imported goods and higher US wages made it impossible for US companies to compete, especially when Americans want four things:
Get what they want
Get it when they want it
All of the time
At the lowest price
If you hate WalMart, does that mean you're willing to pay a higher price, just on principle? That's great, but more than half of US adults don't make enough to have to pay Federal income tax, which means they don't have so much money that they don't care about the prices of the things they need and, sadly, this is one of the reasons WallyWorld has been so successful.