Yelp review for cook not washing hands after number 2

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Audioholic Field Marshall
I was at a restaurant for dinner tonight and went to use the restroom. Guy in the stall finishes up, flushes and walks out without washing his hands, he was the cook!

obviously I left, question is, Yelp review or not?


Audioholic Jedi
Was it Papi from Seinfeld? Yelp or city department in charge of restaurants? Of course not everyone does a number 2 in a stall.....altho that's not any better I suppose :)


Audioholic Field Marshall
Was it Papi from Seinfeld? Yelp or city department in charge of restaurants? Of course not everyone does a number 2 in a stall.....altho that's not any better I suppose :)
My thought is if you don’t wash while preparing other people’s food what do you do in your personal life. On the other hand good help or any help is tough to get right now and should the restaurant be punished for it. I’m voting yes but I think 7 days and then delete the review.


Audioholic Jedi
Don't look at me, it's ingrained in me to wash after using the toilet. I'd report them let alone go back....if he doesn't care you were witnessing it, that's not a good sign.


Audioholic Overlord
Flame the holy living FiretrUCK out of them.

Im a Chef… a real one. You have my permission.

BTW, I wash once in the restroom, then once again on the floor for show.


Seriously, I have no life.
I was at a restaurant for dinner tonight and went to use the restroom. Guy in the stall finishes up, flushes and walks out without washing his hands, he was the cook!

obviously I left, question is, Yelp review or not?
I would have gone straight to the freaking manager.

And this is how Hepatitis outbreaks happen.


Audioholic Overlord
Bonus points for using the phrase :
“Dining at the Hepatitis Buffet.”



Audioholic Field Marshall
Flame the holy living FiretrUCK out of them.

Im a Chef… a real one. You have my permission.

BTW, I wash once in the restroom, then once again on the floor for show.
I’ve worked as a line cook, f’ng fake it in the bathroom then wash again in the kitchen. And yes I know line cooks smell like a donkey, it’s hot as FK in the kitchen and it’s hard work. That said I’ll never shake with my left and wash your damn hands!!!


Audioholic Jedi
How about contacting the owner of the business? See how he reacts....if he thinks it's not important would be a great indicator of what to do?


Audioholic Overlord
Baiting maybe :)
Pretty certain i'm about 85dB listening to the Blues Brothers resndition of She Caught The Katy ... oop... Peter Gunn Theme, now...
(need to go back to She Caught The Katy.)
(more Rye and Holy Ghost, too.)


Audioholic Jedi
Pretty certain i'm about 85dB listening to the Blues Brothers resndition of She Caught The Katy ... oop... Peter Gunn Theme, now...
(need to go back to She Caught The Katy.)
(more Rye and Holy Ghost, too.)
You're gonna make me go look up that stuff? I do still have my Blues Brothers it on that? :) I did like the Peter Gunn theme on my old Henry Mancini greatest hits vinyl, tho. :)


Audioholic Overlord
You're gonna make me go look up that stuff? I do still have my Blues Brothers it on that? :) I did like the Peter Gunn theme on my old Henry Mancini greatest hits vinyl, tho. :)

(I bought some double disc import a LONG time back... basically what they did to the best of my knowledge. ;)


Audioholic Jedi
LOL only one I have is Briefcase Full of Blues (had to go pull it out of the boxes in the basement)....but neither is on that one. Darn. I did wash my hands before and after, tho, to get back on track somewhat :)

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