My "Pile of Junk" completed. Really that bad?



On a number of occasions on this forum, I have have spoken about a spare audio/video system I was assembling, and my intent to keep it in "Museum Grade" condition. One of my motives was to buy all this stuff before my state (Florida) can enact an internet tax. Well, the people of Florida dodged the bullet again this year. Though Governor Ron DeSantis expressed a willingness to sign internet tax legislation, but the bill never made it out of committee in the state house. The bill can't be discussed even at the committee level again until Mid-January 2022. If there is a 4th economic stimulus (not likely), I'll spend it on connecting cables or perhaps a high resolution portable audio player.
But basically, My audio/video buying days are basically over. I've got an entire spare home theater system. My "Museum Grade" spare system has been refered to as "a Pile of Junk" on this forum, but how bad is it?
Obviously, there are people on this forum wealthier than I am who can afford more expensive gear, and there are people who think that if a manufacturer is obscure and little known, that their products must be great. And on some levels, I don't meet the criteria of a true audiophile. I like transistorized equipment, surround sound, CD's, SACD's, Blu-Ray Audio & DVD-Audio (though I also have a turntable. I've never not had a turntable since I got my first one in 1966.)
Anyhow, here's my "Pile of Junk":
4 x Klipsch RF-7III
1 x Klipsch RC-64III
2 x Klipsch RP-502S "satellite" speakers
1 x Klipsch R-115SW subwoofer
1 x Klipsch SPL-150 subwoofer
(The Klipsch speakers are all ":Black Ash" color) I bought a spare subwoofer in the event of amplifier failure. as I did on my existing system, which has JBL Studio Series speakers circa 2002)
I prefer full-sized speakers in the rear. I guess I'm showing my age. I was a teenager in the early 1970's heyday of quadraphonic sound. I recently turned 65.

Integra DRC R-1.1 A/V Processor

Emotiva XPA-7,Gen.3, power amplifier. (I would have prefered an Outlaw Audio power amplifier, but when I got within 3 weeks of being able to afford it, the manufacturer increased the price by $800. They cited the "Trade War" with China, so buying the Emotiva was a regrettable compromise)

Oppo UDP-205 UHD Blu-Ray player (Modified, region-free, Auto region recognition for DVD, manual region selection for BLU-Ray & UHD Blu-ray)

Sony A90J 55" OLED Television

Technics SL1210GAE turntable with Ortofon 2M Black Phono Cartridge

Also, I bought a spare Apple iMAC 27" computer (Mid-2020 model), plus a CD/DVD burner, a Western digital "My Book" 4TB hard drive plus Audioengine 2+ powered speakers (Cherry Red gloss finish).
Now, is all of my audio & video equipment really junk? The Technics turntable, Sony OLED T.V. and Oppo UHD disc player are highly regarded pieces of equipment. The Emotiva power amplifier may indeed be "Junk". 1 out of 3 users of Emotiva power amplifiers encounter problems with buzz or hum. The manufacturer tells people that such buzz or hum is "acceptable"
Subsequent to buying the Integra A/V processor and the Sony T.V., I realized that the set-up is so complex that I may need a home theater installer (if I ever use that equipment). But that doesn't mean that the equipment is "Junk". My existing Integra A/V processor DHC 9.9 came with a big, substantial remote control, and an extensive instruction book. The newer DRC R-1.1 has a small, cheap looking remote control and a skimpy instruction book (though I downloaded a PDF instruction book which has several hundred pages). Now, i understand why, though "Best Buy" has an Integra franchise for my state, that they opted not to carry the model. Only little known, obscure home theater installers carried the model. I bought from an internet dealer (Abt Electronics). The older Integra A/V processor was well within my comprehension, but the newer model is clearly over my head.
As for the Sony A90J television, while the set was in route to me, I watched an unboxing and set-up video on YouTube. Clearly, the primary purposes of a television have changed since the days of my Panasonix 54" 2009 Plasma T.V. / At the time of that older T.V., the main purposes of a television were to watch cable, broadcast & satellite T.V., to watch DVD & Blu-Ray discs and to play 2nd generation Playstation videogame consoles. Today's televisions can still perform those functions, but today, the main purpose of a T.V. is for streaming and internet movie rental, and 5th generation video games. The Sony T.V. requires a smartphone for set-up, and even though I got a smartphone (iPhone 11SE) in February, I'm still having problems downloading and using apps. That problem may thwart me from setting up the Sony A90J.
I've never tested most of my museum grade products, though i did try the MQA-CD capability of my Oppo Blu-Ray player. I wasn't impressed by MQA (I compared "The Doors' "Waiting for The Sun" album, comparing the MQA-CD versus a 192Khz/24-bit download, burnt to disc as DVD-Audio. The MQA version sounded processed, and the lossless 192Khz version sounded more natural.
I can sort of identify with the people that Steve Guttenburg spoke about in his YouTube video "Who are The Strangest Audiophiles?" where he talks about people who own enough super-expensive equipment for four working audio systems, but never use any of it. As for me, one spare system is enough. To be honest, it feels kind of empty. I guess I've become jaded. Yes, my spare system may be "better" than my previous system (which is still going strong), but I may never know how "Good" this spare system is. Maybe, the important thing is to enjoy the music.
CORRECTION: I meant to say that 1 out of 3 owners of Emotiva power amplifiers encounter hum or buzz. At first, I mistakenly typed "2 out of 3".
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Audioholic Jedi
I think it's a nice luxury to have a "backup" for everything.

My main system is my HT system (5.1.4), while my backup system is in the living room (2CH).

I have heard the Klipsch RF7. They don't have great measurements based on one measurement I saw online. But I think they sounded good to me.

The Integra AVR will sound as good as any AVR.


Audioholic Chief
F#*@' No!
Furthermore, why give two hoots what others think?
- Your $$, your equipment, your decisions.
And on some levels, I don't meet the criteria of a true audiophile. I like transistorized equipment, surround sound, CD's, SACD's, Blu-Ray Audio & DVD-Audio
BS, . . . so do I. Until any internet critics actually listen to the system, what do they know . . . a whole lot of nothing!.
There is NO such thing as a true "A-file" (vice "A-negative space", there are plenty of those).
- This hobby/pursuit/addiction is all relative to personal goals, budget, experience, and audio enjoyment.

Enuf said . . . time to finish my bottle of 2017 Cotes-Du-Robles!!


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William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
I think the junk pile is just fine. Especially if it does what you want. If I had to pick nits, I’d exclude the klipsch subs. But the rf7’s are great imo.
FWIW, my mains and center are from early 2000’s JBL designed by Greg timbers too. Upgrades will come, but will be costly.
So till then…F. T. W.


Audioholic Slumlord
Nice POS system you have there!!!! If it rocks your world, who gives a flying f?ck what others think. Enjoy.


Audioholic Slumlord
Do you appreciate music and love great sound? Then you're an audiophile. That's it. You don't need a fat wallet and 5 or 6 figures into a system to be an audiophile.


Audioholic Jedi
Do you appreciate music and love great sound? Then you're an audiophile. That's it. You don't need a fat wallet and 5 or 6 figures into a system to be an audiophile.
That's actually not the definition of an audiophile, more a musicphile :)

Audiophiles are interested in high fidelity audio reproduction particularly, and that tends to relate to the hardware side rather than personal tastes or least the major definitions in the books go that way. Could be one part of why the term audiophile has come to mean a wide variety of things to a wide variety of people, tho....


Audioholic General
On a number of occasions on this forum, I have have spoken about a spare audio/video system I was assembling, and my intent to keep it in "Museum Grade" condition. One of my motives was to buy all this stuff before my state (Florida) can enact an internet tax. Well, the people of Florida dodged the bullet again this year. Though Governor Ron DeSantis expressed a willingness to sign internet tax legislation, but the bill never made it out of committee in the state house. The bill can't be discussed even at the committee level again until Mid-January 2022. If there is a 4th economic stimulus (not likely), I'll spend it on connecting cables or perhaps a high resolution portable audio player.
But basically, My audio/video buying days are basically over. I've got an entire spare home theater system. My "Museum Grade" spare system has been refered to as "a Pile of Junk" on this forum, but how bad is it?
Obviously, there are people on this forum wealthier than I am who can afford more expensive gear, and there are people who think that if a manufacturer is obscure and little known, that their products must be great. And on some levels, I don't meet the criteria of a true audiophile. I like transistorized equipment, surround sound, CD's, SACD's, Blu-Ray Audio & DVD-Audio (though I also have a turntable. I've never not had a turntable since I got my first one in 1966.)
Anyhow, here's my "Pile of Junk":
4 x Klipsch RF-7III
1 x Klipsch RC-64III
2 x Klipsch RP-502S "satellite" speakers
1 x Klipsch R-115SW subwoofer
1 x Klipsch SPL-150 subwoofer
(The Klipsch speakers are all ":Black Ash" color) I bought a spare subwoofer in the event of amplifier failure. as I did on my existing system, which has JBL Studio Series speakers circa 2002)
I prefer full-sized speakers in the rear. I guess I'm showing my age. I was a teenager in the early 1970's heyday of quadraphonic sound. I recently turned 65.

Integra DRC R-1.1 A/V Processor

Emotiva XPA-7,Gen.3, power amplifier. (I would have prefered an Outlaw Audio power amplifier, but when I got within 3 weeks of being able to afford it, the manufacturer increased the price by $800. They cited the "Trade War" with China, so buying the Emotiva was a regrettable compromise)

Oppo UDP-205 UHD Blu-Ray player (Modified, region-free, Auto region recognition for DVD, manual region selection for BLU-Ray & UHD Blu-ray)

Sony A90J 55" OLED Television

Technics SL1210GAE turntable with Ortofon 2M Black Phono Cartridge

Also, I bought a spare Apple iMAC 27" computer (Mid-2020 model), plus a CD/DVD burner, a Western digital "My Book" 4TB hard drive plus Audioengine 2+ powered speakers (Cherry Red gloss finish).
Now, is all of my audio & video equipment really junk? The Technics turntable, Sony OLED T.V. and Oppo UHD disc player are highly regarded pieces of equipment. The Emotiva power amplifier may indeed be "Junk". 1 out of 3 users of Emotiva power amplifiers encounter problems with buzz or hum. The manufacturer tells people that such buzz or hum is "acceptable"
Subsequent to buying the Integra A/V processor and the Sony T.V., I realized that the set-up is so complex that I may need a home theater installer (if I ever use that equipment). But that doesn't mean that the equipment is "Junk". My existing Integra A/V processor DHC 9.9 came with a big, substantial remote control, and an extensive instruction book. The newer DRC R-1.1 has a small, cheap looking remote control and a skimpy instruction book (though I downloaded a PDF instruction book which has several hundred pages). Now, i understand why, though "Best Buy" has an Integra franchise for my state, that they opted not to carry the model. Only little known, obscure home theater installers carried the model. I bought from an internet dealer (Abt Electronics). The older Integra A/V processor was well within my comprehension, but the newer model is clearly over my head.
As for the Sony A90J television, while the set was in route to me, I watched an unboxing and set-up video on YouTube. Clearly, the primary purposes of a television have changed since the days of my Panasonix 54" 2009 Plasma T.V. / At the time of that older T.V., the main purposes of a television were to watch cable, broadcast & satellite T.V., to watch DVD & Blu-Ray discs and to play 2nd generation Playstation videogame consoles. Today's televisions can still perform those functions, but today, the main purpose of a T.V. is for streaming and internet movie rental, and 5th generation video games. The Sony T.V. requires a smartphone for set-up, and even though I got a smartphone (iPhone 11SE) in February, I'm still having problems downloading and using apps. That problem may thwart me from setting up the Sony A90J.
I've never tested most of my museum grade products, though i did try the MQA-CD capability of my Oppo Blu-Ray player. I wasn't impressed by MQA (I compared "The Doors' "Waiting for The Sun" album, comparing the MQA-CD versus a 192Khz/24-bit download, burnt to disc as DVD-Audio. The MQA version sounded processed, and the lossless 192Khz version sounded more natural.
I can sort of identify with the people that Steve Guttenburg spoke about in his YouTube video "Who are The Strangest Audiophiles?" where he talks about people who own enough super-expensive equipment for four working audio systems, but never use any of it. As for me, one spare system is enough. To be honest, it feels kind of empty. I guess I've become jaded. Yes, my spare system may be "better" than my previous system (which is still going strong), but I may never know how "Good" this spare system is. Maybe, the important thing is to enjoy the music.
CORRECTION: I meant to say that 1 out of 3 owners of Emotiva power amplifiers encounter hum or buzz. At first, I mistakenly typed "2 out of 3".
Don't listen to people that bash your equipment. Anyway, that Sony TV is the best thing going right now.


Audioholic General
That's actually not the definition of an audiophile, more a musicphile :)

Audiophiles are interested in high fidelity audio reproduction particularly, and that tends to relate to the hardware side rather than personal tastes or least the major definitions in the books go that way. Could be one part of why the term audiophile has come to mean a wide variety of things to a wide variety of people, tho....
If that's true, then why do some self-described audiophiles prefer vinyl? Vinyl isn't high-fidelity in the truest sense of the words.


Audioholic Jedi
If that's true, then why do some self-described audiophiles prefer vinyl? Vinyl isn't high-fidelity in the truest sense of the words.
Because they're more on the preferential side of things I'd assume rather than accuracy generally....altho there are some very good vinyl masterings/pressings where the differences can be minimal with digital.


Audioholic Jedi
Keep in mind high fidelity is about accuracy rather than preference is my big takeaway....and why its easier to sell preference in many cases.


Audioholic Chief
Ok I’m confused, that’s like a very nice expensive setup. RF7iii,s are supposed to be bad ass

I’d love to try that setup for home theater

Wishing I could find some of those at an affordable price used but people always want a lot for them


Senior Audioholic

There's great studies showing that good speakers, setup well with placement in a room with acoustics taken into account sound fantastic to blind listeners whom don't know it's not a "golden ears expensive audiophile" setup.

If you enjoy it, that's all that matters.

Very best,


Seriously, I have no life.
Keep in mind, you built or assembled your system for your/family enjoyment not mine or anyone else unless they contributed most of the $$$ for you to do so. ;) :D

So, enjoy it.


Audioholic Slumlord
That's actually not the definition of an audiophile, more a musicphile :)

Audiophiles are interested in high fidelity audio reproduction particularly, and that tends to relate to the hardware side rather than personal tastes or least the major definitions in the books go that way. Could be one part of why the term audiophile has come to mean a wide variety of things to a wide variety of people, tho....
Well, I did say "loves great sound" which is what I'm using to mean high fidelity, and music is usually what most audiophiles want to reproduce...

I don't know who called your system a pile of junk, but I wouldn't get my panties in a twist over it. Statements like that are usually coming from either someone who's jealous, or whose opinion is garbage anyway. Klipsch isn't my brand, but if I were to choose the RF7III would be on my short list and are definitely not what I'd consider a pile of junk. They're great speakers and if you like them that's all that counts.


Full Audioholic
On the old stuff you no longer use, I would go and sell it and recoup some of the money. I would also figure out what you would and will actually use and simplify your system. If it is so complicated to use, IMHO it is not worth trying to keep it around. In my case, I eliminated a bunch of wires in my upgrade and sold or gave away stuff I no longer use. If this helps the OP great. It is not bad to keep a spare, but there is overdoing it also.


Audioholic Jedi
Well, I did say "loves great sound" which is what I'm using to mean high fidelity, and music is usually what most audiophiles want to reproduce...
But "great sound" could be simply a preference rather than reference, like preferring "the sound" of a Parasound amp for whatever reason :) Or certain speakers or even eq. Doesn't mean the most accurate or highest fidelity when it goes into personal taste/experience....


On the old stuff you no longer use, I would go and sell it and recoup some of the money. I would also figure out what you would and will actually use and simplify your system. If it is so complicated to use, IMHO it is not worth trying to keep it around. In my case, I eliminated a bunch of wires in my upgrade and sold or gave away stuff I no longer use. If this helps the OP great. It is not bad to keep a spare, but there is overdoing it also.
On the old stuff you no longer use, I would go and sell it and recoup some of the money. I would also figure out what you would and will actually use and simplify your system. If it is so complicated to use, IMHO it is not worth trying to keep it around. In my case, I eliminated a bunch of wires in my upgrade and sold or gave away stuff I no longer use. If this helps the OP great. It is not bad to keep a spare, but there is overdoing it also.
But, so far, it's the newer stuff that i don't use. If any of the older stuff fails (and becomes un-repairable), then I'll begin using some of the newer stuff. Alternately, if I feel confident that the newer stuff really is better, I could give some of the older equipment to my sister's daughter (who will someday inherit it anyhow), but how interested she is in actually owning or using audio & video equipment....I don't know.

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