Never heard of this sony branch, muteki, before, is it any good??



Full Audioholic
Hi, some may know, but I'm looking for 2 extras speakers to add to my surround sound 5.1 system
But I'm in a really tight budget, thus i was looking only for cheap surround speaker, though, i happened to pass by a pair of muteki sony tower speaker ss mfp15, asthetically, they look alright, fairly old i think, and the seller told me he uses it regularly on a medium volume level, the thing is, i never heard of this muteki branch before, don't know if it matter tho, I'm really just looking to know if these speakers are worth the really low asking price of 40 bucks


And if i do get them, if I should keep them as surrounds, or they actually best my ss msp 88 main speaker


Audioholic Jedi
Don't look too bad spec wise, never heard of them or this "muteki" designation but then I generally don't look at speakers from Sony at all. Could rival your others, go take a listen?


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Those aren't going to be tremendously high-fidelity speakers. If you can get them from a flea market for like $10 to use as garage speakers, they might be OK.


Audioholic Jedi
Those aren't going to be tremendously high-fidelity speakers. If you can get them from a flea market for like $10 to use as garage speakers, they might be OK.
Might look at his situation in Brazil in his other thread, he already has similar Sony speakers and a very limited choice/budget so far.....


Full Audioholic
Those aren't going to be tremendously high-fidelity speakers. If you can get them from a flea market for like $10 to use as garage speakers, they might be OK.
I mean, if they best my main sony speakers, I'm already in profit, if they dont, I'll have 2 giant surround towers


Full Audioholic
Don't look too bad spec wise, never heard of them or this "muteki" designation but then I generally don't look at speakers from Sony at all. Could rival your others, go take a listen?
Some research led me to believe they were designed for parties, not like, really loud music parties, but parties you might have in your apartment, and surround sound even, a more modern muteki is a 7.2 system


Full Audioholic
Besides, 40 bucks is close to my limit budget already, of 50, they are being sold a pair on a more professional marketplace for way over, like, 70, used


Audioholic Jedi
The modern ones are real eye catching, lmaoView attachment 47136Meh, bea
Well, not my cup of tea aesthetically particularly.....but hard to know what they're particularly good at. Take a listen and see if acceptable. There are no other brands coming up in your search except for Sony? Or do you think the brand is important to match or something?


Full Audioholic
Well, not my cup of tea aesthetically particularly.....but hard to know what they're particularly good at. Take a listen and see if acceptable. There are no other brands coming up in your search except for Sony? Or do you think the brand is important to match or something?
LG only shows crappy looking ones, mini system speakers, and crappy looking small home theaters, philips ain't much better either, even tried facebook marketplace, that was no different, searching for speakers or stereo speakers usually give me mini systems, or bluetooth speakers and the like


Audioholic Jedi
LG only shows crappy looking ones, mini system speakers, and crappy looking small home theaters, philips ain't much better either, even tried facebook marketplace, that was no different, searching for speakers or stereo speakers usually give me mini systems, or bluetooth speakers and the like
Too bad you're not local....heck, I'd give you a better pair to use :) Looks like you've just got the basic big electronics brands offerings....but maybe just saving up for a while for something better is a better idea (or get that remote/zone 2 thing taken care of :) ).


Full Audioholic
Too bad you're not local....heck, I'd give you a better pair to use :) Looks like you've just got the basic big electronics brands offerings....but maybe just saving up for a while for something better is a better idea (or get that remote/zone 2 thing taken care of :) ).
I mean we probly do, but they are pretty niche, expensive due to import taxes, and no chance at all of finding used


Full Audioholic
If anything, the hobby was much bigger back then, like 2000s and mid 2000s, hence why you only find old stuff, and back then, information was pretty scarce, and if you were to import, you'd probly do a big name brand, to avoid problems


Audioholic Jedi
I find it hard to believe Brazil is so bereft of better choices, altho they may cost more. Where are you particularly?


Full Audioholic
I find it hard to believe Brazil is so bereft of better choices, altho they may cost more. Where are you particularly?
Salvador, which is definetly not as big as Rio os São Paulo, especially the market, but in terms of importance probly the 3rd most important


Full Audioholic
Tho, i recently discovered a pretty good market of off brand/accessories stuff, that more often than not come to the rescue at a much lower price, something i didn't know existed


Audioholic Jedi
Way more people than where I live! Have not heard of Salvador before, will keep on my radar then. I never did take up my chances for a visit there (to Brazil that is and it would have been Rio or Sao Paolo)....


Full Audioholic
Also, nowadays it's much easier to get access to this kinda stuff, but the amount of people actually interested in doing so decreased significantly, and as you can see, back then, people didn't do much research, so there's a flood of these basic old equipment, i myself fall in this department, since back then my dad just got the basic equipment , probly a combo with the receiver

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