What You talking about Willis? Do I need to or have to know about Ted "DingleBerry Denney 1st hand? I'll say this Don't know him never met the chump in person or do I care to. Is he a person of good character or of a good, good nature? If you know anything about Audio or Video You'd understand why All of AH members are in the same camp about "Ted DingleBerry Denney. Now
@dBe Your new here so You get a pass, for taking a shot at Me personally I'll let this one slide, Your swipe at me. I have made Many mistakes on AH here alone, much less in life in general. I didn't sign up on AH to win a Popularity contest I personally I don't want to be that famous. I will say this I Do respect what this Forum stands for The Truth in Audio. This Audio thing, and video now is a "Hobby" of mine has been since I first heard one of Elvis Presley 45's on my Mothers RCA TV console back in the mid's 60's. I'll stop there about My personal life cause this is the internet and I do not need anymore BS in my life right now from A$$hats who have No clue as to what Audio is really all about. This isn't rocket science buddy, and you going off on me only because you got a turd up your butt for what ever reason I don't know don't care to know. But with all that I have said in this post in my response to You and You only. I have come to know Gene the owner of AH never met him in person or have I talked with him over a phone call watched a ton of his YouTube video's. Now get ready cause I'm about to "Amp" it up

so don't take what I'm about to post up personal because I know You not. TED "DINGLEBERRY" DENNEY Has gone after the owner of AH he has posted up photo's of Gene's children on FB without Gene or his wife's consent. 1st let me say, Gene can take care of himself he needs no member on his Forum to defend him dude is World Wide known for speaking the "Truth in Audio" plus posting up facts with,, here it comes wait for " PROOF". Well proof is needed in Audio ya know when your speakers aren't sounding as good as you hoped for. Long story short, if it smells like sh$t Stinks like sh$t then its gotta be Ted "DinngleBerry" Denney's SNAKE OIL!! BS over priced overrated Sh$t that DiggleBerry Denney sells!! You have a Great rest of Your day! And Welcome to Audioholics forum I hope you stay, learn a thing or two about "The Truth in Audio"