Does the Denon 3700 not have the room correction? I have bad acoustics. Would Anthem ARC, Audyssey, or DIRAC help ? I’m a looking that these AVRs with these correction options for no reason ?
Bad acoustics generally apply the frequency below the room transition frequency (typically 200-300 Hz for small and medium size rooms). In the below 300 Hz range, Audyssey XT32 can do as good or better than even Dirac Live if you are willing to pay $20 for the App and use a keyboard based UI such as Ratbudyssey.
If your serious in considering Denon or Marantz, take a look of the Audyssey Editor App users thread and you will see many graphs posted by users. I think Dirac Live is good, but Anthem ARC doesn't seem to have an edge over Audyssey any more now that the Editor App is available. AARC is based on IIR type filters, Audyssey's are basde on FIR that are inherently better, and Dirac's are hybrid, claimed to offer the best of both worlds. You an Google IIR vs FIR.
Edit: Online reviews do tend to rate Dirac Live > Anthem ARC > Audyssey but I think the reasons may be because:
- Reviewers may not have used Audyssey XT32, and those who did, may not have used the Editor App, or not with a keyboard based UI for editing. The Editor App is hard to use to customize anything by using the finger or touch pen to draw. As an experienced user, I know for a fact XT32 is significantly more effective that XT. The Audyssey mic looks very cheap, so people automatically think it is not as good or even bad, not realizing that "cheap mic" is designed specifically design and calibrated for the application so it can be cheaper to make and yet still effective for the specific application.
- Anthem ARC are PC based, so while I have no experience using it, I can imagine it would be easier to use than the Editor App and draw with the finger.
- Dirac Live's UI are also easier to use so you can get good results more easily, it also costs more, so for users who do not plot their own graphs to check results will be biased to believe it works better, the same would apply to AARC as well.