I liked the sound room rack of McIntosh pictures, which sound room was it?
I have already received the Yamaha for the home theater, what is your opinion on under $1K integrated amps. My useage is mostly a good collection of CDs and vinyl.
It was a place named "Bjorn's" in San Antonio. That was their flagship setup at the time and it was a treated room with everything dialed in. Speakers were B&W 802D3s. They let me sit in the sweet spot and I listened to several songs while I was there. An impressive system for sure, and I love the look and build quality of Mcintosh gear but ultimately it's more about audio jewelry than it is sound quality.
I don't think my opinion matters much to you, as you've made it clear your expectation bias would prevent you from recognizing there's really no audible difference from one to the other. I think my Denon S510BT is just as capable of producing clean, high quality sound as that whole Mac stack, as long as it's operating within spec and not driven to clipping.
So I guess... just pick whatever one you think looks the coolest and has the fluffiest buzz words to describe how delicious it is in the many subjective (and quite frankly erroneous, imo) reviews from the likes of "whathifi" and their ilk.