James did you listen to the Monitor Audio Bronze (6th gen) series you are recommending?
After listening to it, I wouldn't recommend the Monitor Audio Bronze 50 (Monitor Audio Bronze 6th generation). There's something wrong with the tuning of the Monitor Audio Bronze 6th gen.
The midrange is recessed and the treble is shrill/aggressive/harsh. I'm not the only one with that experience. Check out this YouTuber's comments
under his video on the MA Bronze 100 it's bigger brother:
(he calls them bright, sharp, shouty) .
I'll quote some of his comments which he left below the video review to clarify, which aligns perfectly with my own experience:
-When I said these were bright and sharp I really meant it guys, they're shouty for sure.
If you don't believe me buy them for yourself and experience the disappointment first hand. I believe in break in but no amount of break-in can fix these. I had them connected to $7500 worth of what is otherwise smooth/neutral sounding gear and another few hundred dollars in room treatment. I gave these 30 hours, that should have gotten them most of the way there.
The Bronze 100 does a few things really well like imaging and soundstage but the presentation within is terribly unbalanced.
I'm still trying to understand who loves these, I honestly think it might be good for guys who have been to too many concerts and maybe lost a bit of hearing.
EDIT 2 (What HiFi also mentions the 'crude high frequencies':
https://www.whathifi.com/reviews/monitor-audio-bronze-100 ):
"It doesn’t help that the updated tweeter lacks the refinement we’ve come to expect from the brand and can sound a little crude and harsh if provoked. " and only awards it 3/5 stars.