That is really unwise. You will go from bad to worse, and make the TV unserviceable. If you want to fix it yourself then you need to take your time, plan and do the job properly.
Yo need to open up the TV and see exactly what damage you have done. You need to wear a grounding strap while the TV is open. Now look and see if the socket is still attached to the board, or if its connections are broken. Make sure the PCB board is not damaged. If the PCB board it damaged, or the connection from the socket is disturbed, then you will need to order that PCB board and replace it. Far more likely than not gluing the socket to the TV case will not work and just make it so no one else can fix your TV, including you. If you are careful and keep your head together you can fix your TV. If you charge around like a bull in china shop, like you seem to have done already, then you will get the expected result and be further out of pocket.